Kansas State University - Bluemont Bell and Dickens Hall

Fulbright: Travel Grants for Study Projects in the USA

German students who arrange and finance their sojourn in the USA via a German American university exchange programme or via a German American foundation may apply until 20 January 2012 for a Fulbright Travel Grant. All application materials need to be submitted to RUB's International Office.

Those travel grants aim at supporting a certain study project at an American institution of higher education. Applicants need to have graduated with a bachelor's degree from RUB when commencing their studies in the United States. Sojourns that are eligible for funding start in August/September 2012 and last 6 to 9 months.

The grant includes the direct flight to the campus in the USA, a travel allowance, additional expenses, a simplified visa application process (free of any charges) and a preparatory seminar in Berlin.