Conditional normative reasoning as a fragment of HOL (Isabelle/HOL dataset)


We present a mechanisation of (preference-based) conditional normative reasoning. Our focus is on Åqvist’s system E for conditional obligation and its extensions. We present both a correspondence-theory-focused metalogical study and a use-case application to Parfit’s repugnant conclusion, focusing on the mere addition paradox. Our contribution is explained in detail in [2]. This document presents a corresponding (but sligthly modified) Isabelle/HOL dataset.

You can find the corresponding ressources here.

Archives of Formal Proof
Xavier Parent
Xavier Parent
Senior Postdoc Researcher

Xavier works mainly on logic and semantics, with a special focus on normative reasoning. He is currently funded with a research grant from FWF (Austrian Science Fund) working as Principal Investigator in a project titled “Axiomatizing conditional normative reasoning” (ANCoR), hosted at the Institute of Logic and Computation of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien, within A. Ciabattoni’s Theory and Logic research group.