The Goal after Tomorrow: Offline Goal Reasoning with Norms


Recent studies have focused on autonomous agents that select their own goals and thenselect actions to achieve these goals, using online Goal Reasoning (GR). GR agents canrevise goals and plans at execution time if unexpected outcomes occur. However, for ethicalor legal agent design, even the partial execution of an online plan may result in foreseeablenorm violations. To prevent these violations, it is crucial to incorporate GR already at theplanning phase. To this end, we design an offline GR system that can harbour normativesystems or deontic logics for goal generation. Our main results include a characterizationand comparison of the completeness classes for a variety of offline GR planners, and adiscussion of the irreducibility of offline GR to pure planning methods.

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Christian Straßer
Christian Straßer
Professor of Logic in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence

Christian is a full professor of logic in philosophy and artificial intelligence at the Institute for Philosophy II, Ruhr University Bochum. He is an expert on nonmonotonic logic and logical argumentation. Among other things, he has been investigating nonmonotonic approaches to handling deontic conflicts, deontic detachment principles and proof theoretic approaches in deontic logic.