Other publications
- Hans Ulrich Simon.
Boolean Composition of Visual Secret Sharing Schemes. [ps.gz]
Research Report, 2012.
- Svetlana Anulova, Jorge Ricardo Cuellar, Klaus Uwe
Höffgen, and Hans Ulrich Simon.
Bayes decisions in a neural network pac setting. [view abstract]
In Stephen José Hanson, Thomas Petsche, Michel Kearns, and
Ronald L. Rivest, editors, Computational Learning Theory and Natural
Learning Systems, chapter Learning Theory, pages 3-15. The MIT Press, 1994.
- Hans Ulrich Simon.
Algorithmisches Lernen auf der Basis empirischer Daten. [view abstract]
In Tagungsband des 4. Internationalen GI-Kongresses über
Wissensbasierte Systeme, pages 467-476, Berlin, 1991. Springer Verlag.
Invited presentation; also appeared in Informationstechnik:
Themenheft über Neuronale Netze.
- B. Schürmann, G. Hirzinger, D. Hernández, H. U. Simon, and
H. Hackbarth.
Neural control within the BMFT-project NERES. [view abstract]
In Tagungsband des 4. Internationalen GI-Kongresses über
Wissensbasierte Systeme, pages 533-545, Berlin, 1991. Springer Verlag.
- Hans Ulrich Simon.
On approximate solutions for combinatorial optimization problems. [view abstract]
SIAM-conference on Discrete Mathematics, 1988.
- Hans Ulrich Simon.
Approximative Lösungen des
Mehrprozessor-Scheduling-Problems. [view abstract]
Siemens Forsch.- u. Entwickl.-Ber., 17(1):18-24, 1988.