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Linear Time Algorithms for two Special Problems

Abstract.  The problem of scheduling unit execution time tasks on a variable number of processors under arbitrary precedence constraints is known to be NP-complete [7].
But the precedence constraints for procedures in a structured program form very special dags, called p-rhombs and sp-rhombs in this paper. It is shown that an optimal schedule can be found in linear time, if the precedence constraints form a p-rhomb. The same result holds for sp-rhombs, if we restrict ourselves to the 2-processor case.
In both cases optimal schedules result from a very simple 'deepest first'-principle, which is known to be optimal for trees too [5].
[5]     T.C. Hu, Parallel Sequencing and Assembly Line Problems, Operations Research 9, pp. 841-848, 1961.
[7]     J.D. Ullman, NP-complete Scheduling Problems, J. of Comp. and System Sciences 10, pp. 384 - 393, 1975.