List of publications
Ahrens, C., Braasch, J. (2003). "Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein
: De uitvinder van de orgelregisters met doorslaande tongen
[Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein : the inventor of organ stops
with free reeds]", Het Orgel, 99/4: 32-36.
Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., So, R. H. Y. (2003). "Do
we feel what we hear?" 146th meeting Acoust. Soc. Am.,
USA-Austin TX.
Altinsoy, M. E. (2003). "Perceptual aspects of auditory-tactile
asynchrony", Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress
on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, Schweden.
Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., So, R. H. Y. (2003). "Effect
of loudness on the haptic force-feedback perception in virtual environments",
J Acoust Soc Am 114: 2330-2331.
Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2003). "Einführung in
die Modellierung des Binauralen Hörens [Introduction
to the modeling of binaural hearing]", in proceedings
of the 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Audiologie e.V. [6. Annual Meeting of the German Society for
Audiology], Würzburg, Germany.
Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2003). "Concepts behind sound
quality: Some basic consideration", Proc. InterNoise`03,
KR-Jesu Isld.
Braasch, J. (2003). "Investigating the precedence effect
for noise bursts of different bandwidths", J. Acoust.
Soc. Am. 113: 2269..
Braasch, J. (2003). "On the scaling of free-reed organ
pipes: A comparison of 19th-century theories to modern non-linear
models", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113: 2316.
Braasch, J. (2003). "On the acoustical quality of free-reed
organ pipes", First ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop
on Auditory Quality of Systems, (U. Jekosch, S. Möller,
eds.), Akademie Mont-Cenis, Germany.
Braasch, J. (2003). "Untersuchung zur Ausprägung
der Lokalisationsdominanz in Abhängigigkeit der Signalbandbreite
[Investigating the degree of localization dominance in dependence
of the signal bandwidth]", Fortschritte der Akustik -
DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg.
f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 618-619.
Braasch, J. (2003). "Zur Entwicklung der Mensurierung
von Orgelregistern mit Durchschlagzungen. Eine Analyse aus
heutiger Sicht [On the development of scaling of organ stops
with free reeds. An analysis from today's view]", Fortschritte
der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29.
Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
D-Oldenburg, 520-521.
Braasch, J. (2003). "Akustische Untersuchungen an Expressionseinrichtungen
in Orgeln [Acoustical investigations on expression devices
in organs]", vom rechten Thon der Orgeln und anderer
Instrumenten, Festschrift Christian Ahrens zum 60. Geburtstag
von Prof. Christian Ahrens [On the right sound of organs and
other instruments, Festschrift for the 60st birthday of Prof.
Christian Ahrens] (B. Abels ed.), Köstritzer Schriften
2, Bad Köstritz 2003: 13-30.
Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). "The precedence effect
for noise bursts of different bandwidths. II. Comparison of
model algorithms." Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal
of the Acoustical Society of Japan) 24 (5): 293-303.
Braasch, J., Blauert, J., Djelani, T. (2003). "The precedence
effect for noise bursts of different bandwidths. I. Psychoacoustical
data", Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal of the Acoustical
Society of Japan) 24 (5): 233-241.
Braasch, J. (2003). "Localization in the presence of
a distracter and reverberation in the frontal horizontal plane.
III. The role of interaural level differences", ACUSTICA/acta
acustica 89: 674-692.
Breithaupt, C., Martin,R. (2003). "MMSE Estimation of
Magnitude-Squared DFT Coeficients with Supergaussian Priors",
Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing
(ICASSP), 2003.
Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "Sound
occlusion: A primary investigation", Proc. 1st Conf.
Hellenistic Acoust. Soc., Acoustics 2002, GR-Patras.
Enzner, G. and Vary, P. (2003). "Robust and elegant,
purely statistical adaptation of acoustic echo canceler and
postfilter“, Proc. of International Workshop on Acoustic
Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto (Japan), pp. 43-46,
September 2003.
Enzner, G. and Vary, P. (2003). "A soft-partitioned frequency-domain
adaptive filter for acoustic echo cancellation“, Proc.
of Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
(ICASSP), Hong Kong (China), pp. 393-396, May 2003.
Enzner, G. (2003). "A unified
concept of acoustic echo cancellation and residual echo suppression“,
Hands-free Communication, Proc. of Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Aachen
(Germany), pp. 744, März 2003.
H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "A study on perceptual
changes caused by sound-source occlusion." Fortschritte
der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29.
Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "Psychoacoustic
Investigation on sound-source occlusion." Audio-Engr.
Soc. Conv. paper, pp. 635-646
Gretzki, R., Silzle, A. (2003). A New Method for Elevation
Panning Reducing the Size of the Resulting Auditory Events.
EAA Symposium, Bilbao, Spain
Hess, W., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). Acoustical evaluation
of virtual rooms by means of binaural activity patterns. Proc.
of the 115th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society in
New York.
Hess, W., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). "Evaluierung
von Räumen anhand Binauraler Aktivitätsmuster [Evaluation
of rooms by means of binaural activity patterns]." Fortschritte
der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29.
Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
D-Oldenburg, 658-659.
Hudde, H. (2003). Wiederherstellung von Hörfunktionen,
Tag der Biomedizinischen Technik, Bochum, Poster.
ITU-T Contribution COM 12-50 (2003). Proposal for Guidelines
on the Quality Assessment and Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue
Systems that are Operated over Telephone Networks, Federal
Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting,
CH-Geneva, 27-31 January 2003.
ITU-T Contribution COM 12-59 (2003). Draft Text for a New
Recommendation on the Subjective Quality Evaluation of Telephone
Services Based on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Federal Republic
of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva,
22-30 September 2003.
ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.178 (2003). "E-Model: Additivity
of Packet Loss Impairment with other Impairment Types."
Germany (Author: A. Raake), ITU-T SG 12 Meeting, CH-Geneva,
22-30 Sept. 2003.
ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.179 (2003). "E-Model: Average
Quality vs. Quality as a Function of Average Packet Loss."
Germany (Author: A. Raake), ITU-T SG 12 Meeting, CH-Geneva,
22-30 Sept. 2003.
Krebber, J., Raake, A., Möller, S., Novo, P. (2003).
"Remote Access Simulation System User Manual, Deliverable
3.3, IST project INSPIRE (INfotainment management with SPeech
Interaction via REmote-microphones and telephone interfaces,
IST-2001-32746)." Institut für Kommunikationsakustik,
Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.
Krebber, J., Raake, A., Möller, S. (2003). "Modellierung
der Einflüsse des Übertragungskanals bei der Interaktion
mit einem Smart-Home-System." Fortschritte der Akustik
- DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg.
f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 732-733.
Krüger, H., Lotter, T., Enzner, G. and Vary, P. (2003).
“A PC-based Platform for Multichannel Real-time Audio
Processing”, Proc. of International Workshop on Acoustic
Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto (Japan), September
Martin, R. (2003). Statistical Methods for
the Enhancement of Noisy Speech, Proc.Intl. Workshop Acoustic
Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC),2003, pp.1-6.
R., Breithaupt,C. (2003). Speech Enhancement in the DFT Domain
Using Laplacian Speech Priors, Proc. Int. Workshop Acoustic
Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), 2003, pp.87-90.
Merimaa, J., Pulkki, V. (2003). Perceptually-Based Processing
of Directional Room Responses for Multichannel Loudspeaker
Reproduction. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing
to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, USA.
Möller, S. (2003). "Qualität von Telefon-Sprachdiensten:
(K)eine Frage der Akustik? Invited talk for the award of the
Lothar-Cremer prize, 18 Mar. 2003, D-Aachen." Fortschritte
der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29.
Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
D-Oldenburg, 7-12.
Möller, S., Skowronek, J. (2003). "Quantifying the
Impact of System Characteristics on Perceived Quality Dimensions
of a Spoken Dialogue Service." Proc. 8th European Conf.
on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2003 -
Switzerland), Int. Speech Com. Ass. ISCA, CH-Geneva 3: 1953-1956.
Möller, S., Skowronek, J. (2003). "Einfluss von
Spracherkennung und Sprachsynthese auf die Qualität natürlichsprachlicher
Dialogsysteme." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003:
Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust.,
D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 726-727.
Novo, P., Korany, N. (2003). "Simulation of Extended
Sound Sources in Virtual Auditory Environments." Fortschritte
der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29.
Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
Raake, A. (2003). "Time Varying Distortions and Traditional
Telephony: Speech Quality under Combined Network Distortions."
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr.
d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
Raake, A. (2003). "Speech Quality of Heterogeneous Networks
Involving VoIP: Are Time-Varying Impairments Additive to Classical
Stationary Ones?" Proc. 1st ISCA Tutorial and Research
Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems, D - Herne, pp. 63-70.
Schaden, S. (2003). Rule-based lexical modelling of foreign-accented
pronunciation variants. Proceedings 10th Conference of the
European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
(EACL '03). Budapest, Hungary, Conference Companion Volume.
Schaden, S. (2003). Generating Non-Native Pronunciation Lexicons
by Phonological Rules. Proceedings 15th International Conference
of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2003), Barcelona, Spain.
Schmidt, S., Braasch, J. (2003). "Die akustische Kopplung
von Resonatorbechern an Aufschlagzungen [The acoustical coupling
between resonators and striking reeds]." Fortschr. Akust.
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr.
d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
D-Oldenburg, 526-527.
Silzle, A. (2003). "Welche Rechenleistung wird für
die Echtzeitimplementierung von Virtueller Akustik benötigt?
(Computational Power Needed for Real-Time Implementation of
3D-Sound)." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr.
u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen,
Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.
Silzle, A. (2003). Quality of Head-Related Transfer Functions
- Some Practical Remarks. First ISCA Tutorial & Research
Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems, Akademie Mont-Cenis,
Taschke, H., Hudde, H., Curdes, Y. (2003). "Finite-Elemente-Studie
der Basilarmembran." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA
2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f.
Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 114-115.
Taschke, H. (2003). FE-Modellierung und -Analyse der Gehörschnecke
des Menschen. 21st CAD-FEM Users' Meeting, Potsdam.
C.S., Obradovic, D., Madhu, N.:" Independent component
analysis (ICA) for blind equalization of frequency selective
channels", 2003 IEEE XIII Workshop on Neural Networks
for Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, 17-19 Sept. 2003
/ 2003 / 8134153 CA Conference Paper (C) INSPEC® Physics/Electr./Comput.
- Fachliteraturnachweis