List of publications
Bednarzyk, M., Stankewitz, B. (1996). Simulation einer Stereo-Lautsprecher-Beschallung
in geschlossenen Räumen, Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96,
Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.
Belhoula, K. (1996). "Ein regelbasiertes Verfahren zur
maschinellen Graphem-nach-Phonem-Umsetzung von Eigennamen
in der Sprachsynthese." Dissertation, Institut für
Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag,
Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (1996). Sound-Quality Evaluation
- A Multi-Layered Problem. EAA Tutorium Aurally-Adequate Sound-Quality
Evaluation, Antwerp.
Blauert, J. (1996). 2. Nachschrift zu: Räumliches Hören,
S. Hirzel Verlag, D-Stuttgart.
Blauert, J., Lehn, K. (1996). "A-Posteriori Auralization
of the Effect of Noise Barriers." Proc. INTERNOISE: 809-812.
Blauert, J. (1996). "An Introduction to Binaural Technology,
in: Binaural and Spatial Hearing in Real and Virtual Environments
(R. Gilkey & T. Anderson, eds.)." Lawrence Erlbaum,
USA-Hilldale NJ 593-609.
Blauert, J. (1996). "Spatial Hearing: The Psychophysics
of Human Sound Localization (2nd enhanced edition)."
The MIT press, USA-Cambridge MA.
Blauert, J. (1996). "Hearing of Music in Three Spatial
Dimensions." Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof.
J. Fricke, Musikwiss. Inst. Universität Köln.
Blauert, J. (1996). Einführung in die Binauraltechnik
(invited plenary lecture). 19. Tonmeistertagung, D-Karlsruhe.
Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K. (1996). Noise-robust speech recognition
based on a binaural auditory model. ESCA workshop on the Auditory
Basis of Speech Perception.
Bodden, M. (1996). "Binaural Models and Cocktail-Party-Processors."
ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: 1, 86.
Bodden, M. (1996). "Binaural hearing and hearing impairment:
relations, problems, and proposals for solutions." Seminars
in Hearing, New York.
Bodden, M. (1996). "Auditory Demonstrations of a Cocktail-Party
Processor." ACUSTICA - acta acustica: 2356-357.
Chateau, N., Bodden, M., Regal, X., Handmann, U. (1996). "The
effect of noise on directional bands., Proceedings of Forum
Acusticum, Antwerp 1996." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82:
1, 210.
Gustafsson, S.; Martin, R.; Vary, P. (1996). "On the
Optimization of Speech Enhancement Systems Using Instrumental
Measures", Workshop on Quality Assessment in Speech,
Audio and Image Communication", Darmstadt, 11.-13. März
1996, pp. 36-40.
Hartung, K., Raab, A. (1996). "Efficient modelling of
head-related transfer function, Proceedings of Forum Acusticum,
Antwerp 1996." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: 1, 88.
Hudde, H., Weistenhöfer, Ch. (1996). "A three-dimensional
circuit model of the middle ear." ACUSTICA -acta acustica.
Hudde, H., Engel, A., Lodwig, A. (1996). "A wide-band
precision acoustic measuring head." ACUSTICA-acta acustica
82: 895-904.
Hudde, H., Engel, A. (1996). Eardrum impedance and drum coupling
region. Workshop on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otosurgery,
Dresden 1996, Proceedings.
Hudde, H. (1996). Räumliche Schwingungen im Mittelohr
- wie kompliziert müssen Modelle sein? Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Deutschsprachiger Audiologen und Neurootologen (ADANO).
Hudde, H. (1996). "The middle ear- just a simple band-pass
filter?, Forum Acusticum 1996, Antwerpen, Proceedings."
ACUSTICA-acta acustica 82: (Suppl.1)89.
Jekosch, U., Bodden, M. (1996). Verifikation des ETSI-Modells
zur Bestimmung der Sprachqualität im Zusammenhang
unterschiedlicher Systemkonfigurationen. Abschlußbericht.
Jekosch, U., Blauert, J. (1996). A Semiotic Approach towards
Product Sound Quality. inter noise 96: 2283-2288.
Jekosch, U. (1996). Verification of the E-Model: Results of
a Pilot Study, ITU-T Speech Quality Experts Group, Ipswich,
Sept. 26.-27. 1996, also published as Contribution TD31, ETSI
STC BTC2 Working Party A, Sophia Antipolis.
Keller, C. H., Hartung, K., Takahashi, T. T. (1996). "Head-related
transfer functions of the barn owl." Soc. Neurosci.
Knohl, L. (1996). "Prosodiegesteuerte Sprecher- und UMweltadaption
in einer Mehrsprecher-Architektur." Dissertation, Institut
für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.
Kraft, V. (1996). "Verkettung natürlichsprachlicher
Bausteine zur Sprachsynthese: Anforderungen, techniken und
Evaluierung." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik,
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.
Kunz, O., Bodden, M. (1996). "Ein rechenzeiteffizientes
Modell zur Lokalisation von Schallquellen in Realzeit."
Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96, 364-365, Dtsch. Ges.
Akust., D-Oldenburg.
Lehn, K., Blauert, J. (1996). "Binaurale Auralisierung
des Effektes von Lärmschutzmaßnahmen." Fortschr.
Akust. – DAGA’96, 346-347, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
Lodwig, A., Hudde, H. (1996). "Integrated hearing aid
fitting system - acoustical considerations, Proc. Forum Acusticum
1996, Antwerpen." ACUSTICA-acta acustica 82: (Suppl.1),
S. 229.
J., Jekosch, U., Krause, S. (1996). "Evaluation of Speech
Synthesis in the German Verbmobil Project." Acta acustica
1996 82: 230.
Mersdorf, J. (1996). "Ein Hörversuch zur perzeptiven
Unterscheidbarkeit von Sprechern bei ausschließlich
intonatorischer Information." Fortschr. Akust. –
DAGA’96, 482-483, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.
Meunier, S., Bodden, M., Canevet, G., Grabke, J., Handmann,
U. (1996). "Auditory adaptation and localization: effect
of frequency and bandwidth. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum,
Antwerp 1996." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: Suppl. 1,
Pörschmann, C., Bednarzyk, M. (1996). "Erzeugung
eines synthetischen binauralen diffusen Nachhalls." Fortschr.
Akust. – DAGA’96, 400-401, Dtsch. Ges. Akust.,
Rateitschek, K., Bodden, M. (1996). Noise-Robust Speech Recognition
Based on a Binaural Auditory Model. Proceedings of the ESCA
Tutorial and Research Workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech
Perception, Keele University.
Rateitschek, K. (1996). "Cocktail-Party-Processing in
Automatic Speech Recognition." Forum Acusticum 1996.
Rinscheid, A. (1996). "Voice Conversion base on Topological
Feature Maps and time-variant filtering." Proc. ICSLP
Sahrhage, J., Strauss, H. (1996). "Realisierung einer
auditiv/taktilen virtuellen Umgebung." Fortschr. Akust.
– DAGA’96, 368-369, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.
Sahrhage, J., Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1996). Implementation
of an auditory/tactile virtual environment. FIVE Conference
96, Pisa, Italy.
Schönweiler, R., Kaese, S., Möller, S., Rinscheid,
A., Ptok, M. (1996). "Neuronal Networks and Self-Organizing
Maps: New Computer Techniques in the Acoustic Evaluation of
the Infant Cry." Int. J. of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
38: 1-11.
Sterbing, S. J., Hartung, K., Hoffman, K. P., Blauert, J.
(1996). "Auditory spatial tuning of inferior colliculus
neurons in the guinea pig." Soc. Neurosci.
Usagawa, T., Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K. (1996). "Binaural
Speech Recognition." Proc. ICSLP '96.
Usagawa, T., Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K. (1996). "Parameter
Extraction using a Binaural Model under Noisy Environment
(in japanese)." Technical report of IEICE, EA 95-96: