100th PhD in Neuroscience
Today we celebrated the 100th PhD defense in the IGSN!
But one hundred is not just a number. It represents real people with successful career paths both in and outside of neuroscience. That's one hundred former IGSN PhD students who are now professors, successful managers in science and industry, journalists or inspiring teachers and researchers. We are proud and privilidged to have accompanied them on this important part of their life journey!
This celebration is also one more milestone for the International School of Graduate Neuroscience and also a tribute to just how successful it has become. The lucky 'defendee' was Veronika Luft, who successfully defended her thesis "Functional role of VAV3 for the regulation of neural stem/progenitor cells". She joins a successful line of IGSN alumni who are busy spreading the IGSN's reputation throughout the world.
The IGSN Director Denise Manahan-Vaughan and IGSN Speaker Michael Hollmann congratulate Veronika Luft
The 100th PhD Defendee Veronika Luft
The PhD Commission and IGSN Director and Speakers.
From the left to the right: Simon Ebbinghaus (Chair), Andreas Faissner (1st supervisor), Michael Hollmann (IGSN Speaker), Veronika Luft, Denise Manahan-Vaughan (IGSN Director),
Ulf Eysel (2nd Supervisor and IGSN Vice-Speaker), Paola Bovolenta (External Referee from the University of Madrid), Lars Kuchinke (Non-Specialist).
IGSN Coordinator Ursula Heiler with Veronika