Graduation Day 2016

As the festive season drew closer, the IGSN family gathered for its highlight of the year. On December 9th, 2016, students and staff, as well as friends and family came together on graduation day to honor this year's graduates, who had completed the IGSN programme and would finally receive their PhDs in neuroscience.

The day began with a meeting of the advisory board, a welcome occasion for all members to catch up, reflect on the past year and to plan for upcoming projects. The festivities were then begun by vice-speaker of the IGSN Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Wolf. In his welcoming speech, he stressed that twelve years after its first Graduation Day in 2004 the IGSN continues to nurture the careers of young scientists. IGSN graduates are highly trained and are presented with outstanding career opportunities, whether their paths lead them to further academic endeavors or to positions in industry.

As is the tradition, four current IGSN students presented their current work to the audience. Their presentations illustrated the high standard of work being done at the IGSN and the diversity of topics tackled by our young scientists. Thank you, Janna Aarse, Oluwaseun Fatoba, Marcus Paul, and Pia Reiterer for your excellent talks — Great job!

After a poster session, in which all current IGSN students presented their projects to faculty members and the members of the advisory board, the main event of the day commenced. At the beginning of the graduation ceremony, the winners of this year's IGSN and SFB 874 painting competition received their prizes from IGSN Dean and Director Prof. Dr. Denise Manahan-Vaughan and Vice Speaker of the IGSN Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Wolf. The 2016 contest was entitled "Superheldinnen und Superhelden der Sinne" (Superheroes of the Senses), taking a cue from the sensory research pioneered at the Ruhr University. Students from Bochum's primary schools had entered many excellent pieces of work.

Then it was finally time for the graduates to take centre stage. Dressed in traditional IGSN hats and gowns they received their well deserved PhD diplomas. Each student was honored in personal, and oftentimes very humorous speeches by their supervisors. Thirteen students received their PhDs this year, including our second student to complete the newly formed MD programme for students of medicine. The IGSN is so very proud of all of you — we wish you all the best for the future! The new academic titles were then celebrated during the renowned IGSN Graduation Day dinner — this year with a host of Croatian delicacies and a few glasses of wine here and there.

Thank you to everyone who made this day such a wonderful occasion!

Photos of the event

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