Expand Your Brain!
Get to know the IGSN at our info events!
When: February 2nd and 7th, 15:00
Where: IGSN Seminar room, Building FNO, level 01, room 117

The International Graduate School of Neuroscience has been training a new generation of young neuroscientists since 2001. It offers an English language PhD program in all aspects of neuroscience from the molecular level to higher cognitive functions.
At our info events on February 2nd and 7th, Ursula Heiler, coordinator of the IGSN, will answer all your questions regarding a PhD in neuroscience. You will learn more about the lecture "From Molecules to Cognition" and other specialized courses and workshops available exclusively to IGSN students. Find out about the requirements for the IGSN program and how the admission process works.
The IGSN offers multidisciplinary research projects in all areas of neuroscience. If you have a (or a close to obtaining) a master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, chemistry, electrical engineering, mathematics, medicine, psychology, or other related fields then come and see us on February 2nd and 7th, we would love to meet you!
If you have any questions regarding the info events or the IGSN in general please feel free to contact Ursula Heiler:
Email: heiler-igsn@rub.de
Phone: ++ 49 (0) 234 - 32 26682