RUB » International Graduate School of Neuroscience » Social News » 9th International IGSN / SFB 874 Conference 2017

The Sense of Memory: Integration and Representation of Sensory Processes

April 25th and 26th

Meanwhile a rumour spread throughout the scientific world that deep in the west of Germany, an exclusive conference takes place each year that showcases the research of renowned neuroscientists. This year the SFB 874 and the IGSN hosted 12 international scientists, at this event. Over 100 guests and students attended.

Networking was also on the agenda: the "Brainstorming Sessions" offered our PhD students the opportunity to meet and swap ideas with our guests. Ten doctoral students from the IGSN introduced the scientific fields, of the conference sessions in short presentations and looked after our guests during the conference.

Our thanks goes to everyone who helped to make this conference such a stimulating and interesting occasion. Special thanks go to Jun.-Prof. Olivia Masseck who stepped in at very short notice.

Photos of the event

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Conference abstract books K.-P. Hoffmann and Prof. Ulf Eysel A man is looking intentlöy at a woman who is explaining something Anton Sirota is explaining something to a listening woman. He is gesturing with both hands. Conference atendees standing on a flight of steps for a group photo