Alumni 2018
Bres, Ewa
Diploma Biology
PhD Project: Unravelling the role of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 in radial glia and neuronal and glial progeny in the developing mouse brain
Hauser, Maximilian
MSc Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience
PhD Project: An investigation of the neural processes underlying passive perception of visuospatial novelty
Lugo, Erlen
MSc Biomedical Sciences
PhD Project: Role of the extracellular matrix glycoprotein Tenascin-C in brain ischemia and its regulations by Erythropoietin
Pauzin, François
MSc Neuroscience
PhD Project: A corticothalamic circuit for refining tactile encoding: a switch between feature detection and discrimination
Pahl, Steffen
Diploma Biology
PhD Project: Investigations of accessory proteins modulating glutamate receptor function
Reiterer, Pia
MSc Biology
PhD Project: Mechanistic understanding of eyeblink conditioning in mice
Terheyden-Keighley, Daniel
MSc Stem Cell Biology
Great Britain
PhD Project: CXCR4 & SDF1 in the developing peripheral nervous system
Thatenhorst, Denis
MSc Biochemistry
PhD Project: Local water fluxes across the cell membrane of migrating oligodendrocyte progenitor cells