7.2.2005 - Symposium
The Brain in Action: Optical Imaging of Vision and Touch
Dirk Jancke
Department of Neurobiology, Faculty of Biology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
"Visualizing the Invisible: Imaging Correlates of Illusion in Early Visual Cortex"
Thomas Hahn
Department of Cell Physiology, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
"Voltage-sensitive dye imaging in Barrel Cortex: mapping activity onto anatomy"
Hubert Dinse
Theoretical Biology, Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
"Imaging Remodeling of Orientation Maps in Adult Visual Cortex during Plastic Reorganization"
14.03.2005 - Symposium
The Neurobiology of Mathematics:
Representations of Numbers in the Brain.
Lothar Gerritzen
Faculty of Mathematics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Gemany
"On the inversion of digits in written and spoken German"
Marinella Cappelletti
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
"Number Semantics: Evidence from lesion and TMS Studies"
Markus Hausmann
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr-University Bochum
"Pseudoneglect in the mental representation of numbers"
Onur Güntürkün
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr-University Bochum
"Of Dolphins and numbers: Cerebal Asymmetries for Numerosity in the Bottlenose Dolphin"
Andreas Nieder
Primate NeuroCognition Lab, Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tübingen
"Single-neuron correlates of numerical quantity in the monkey cortex"
11.04.2005 - Symposium
Modeling Cortical Intonmation Processing
Misha Tsodyks
Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
"Neural network model of the primary visual cortex: From functional architecture to lateral connectivity"
Wolfram Erlhagen
Departameno de Matemática para a Ciencia e Tecnologla (DMCT)), Universidade do Minho, Guimares, Portugal
"Neural circuits underlying action understanding and goal-directed Imitation:
A modelling approach"
Thomas Wennekers
Computational Neuroscience, Univetsity of Plymouth, UK
"Large scale models of cortical function"
09.05.2005 - Symposium
From Bone to Brain:
How Do Vertabrae Brains Differ From Those of "Lower" Annimals?
John Nicholls
Neurobiology Sector, SISSÄ, Trieste, Italy
"What makes the leech so fascinating?"
Mario Pellegrino
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Pisa,Italy
"Mechanosensitive ion channels of leech neurons"
John Nicholls
Neurobiology Sector, SISSÄ, Trieste, Italy
"Neural rhythms in invertebrates and in vertebrates"
06.06.2005 - Symposium
Visual Attention
Thomas F. Münte
Neuropsychology, University of Magdeburg, Germany
"Crossmodal interactions in audiovisual attention in humans"
Leonardo Chelazzi
Department of Neurological and Vision Sciences, University, of Verona, Italy
"Interacting brain systems for visual selective attention "
Pascal Fries
Neuronal Coherence Group, F. C.
Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging Radboud, University Nijmegen, Netherlands
"Neuronal communication through neuronal coherence"
04.07.2005 - Symposium
Memory Encoding Through Spike-timing:
Dependent Synaptic Plasticity
Rudy Guyonneau
Centre de Recherche "Cerveau et Cognition", Toulouse, France
"Repetition makes a neuron swift: How experience mal shape visual selectivities through STDP"
F. Woergoetter
Departrnent of Psychology, University of Stirling, UK
"Spatially and temporally local STDP and its possible functional consequences"
29.08.2005 - Colloquium
Tom Salt
Division of Visual Science, Institute of Ophtalmology, University College London, UK
"Glutamate receptors underlying different facets of
visual response processing in superior colliculus"
05.09.2005 - Symposium
Cortical Representation of Spatial Imagery:
Insights Through Blindness
John Kennedy
Dept. Psvchology, University of Toronto , Canada
"Drawings by the blind include true form, parallel, inverse, 1 2 and 3-point perspective: Gaia, Tracy and Esref"
26.09.2005 - Symposium
Current Insights into Neuron-Glia Interactions in Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Bernhard Mitterauer
Institute of Forensic Neuropsychiatry and Gotthard Günther
Archives, University of Salzburg, Austria
"A Possible Role of the Glial System in the Pathophysiology of So Called Mental Disorders"
Dionysia Theodosis
Inserm U 378, Université Victor Segalen-Bordeaux II, Bordeaux, France
"Activity-Dependent Structural Neuronal-Glial Plasticity in the Mammalian Brain"
Christian Klämbt
Institute for Neurobiology, University of Münster
"Neuron-Glia interaction in Drosophila"
10.10.2005 - Symposium
Extracellular Signals Regulating Axonal Growth / Inhibitors of Regeneration
Esther Stoeckli
Institute of Zoology, Developmental Neuroscience, University of Zurich, Switzerland
"Molecular Mechanisms of Axon Guidance at the Midline of the Spinal Cord"
24.10.2005 - Symposium
Geaterating Neurons and Glia from Embryonic Stem Cells
Yves-Alain Barde
Division Pharmacology / Neurobiology, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland
"Embryonic Stem Cells and Neural Differentiation"
Steven M. Pollard
Inst. for Stem Cell Research, University of Edinburgh, UK
"Mammalian Neural Stem (NS) Cells"
07.11.2005 - Symposium
Molecular Basis and Mechanisms of Prion Disease
Michael Baier
Project Neurodegenerative Diseases, Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin
"Role of cytokines and chemokines in prion infections of the central nervous system"
Jörg Tatzelt
Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry. Martinsried
"Cell biology of prion diseases"
Markus Glatzel
lnstitute of Neuropathology and National Reference Centre for Prion Diseases, Zürich
"Prion Diseases; Pathophysiology and Diagnostic Approaches"
05.12.2005 - Colloquium
The Neural Correlates of Conscious Visual Awareness
Christof Koch
California Institute of Technology, USA
"Reading out images from neurons in the medial temporal lobe"
John-Dylan Haynes
Inst. Neurology, University College London
"Decoding conscious and unconscious perception from dynamic brain patterns"
Nikos Logothetis
Max Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
"Neurons and perception: A Bridge too far?"
Bill Phillips
Centre for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience,
University of Stirling, UK
"Synaptic mechanisms of cognitive coordination, working memory and attention"