Resources at RUB

HPC Cluster Elysium

Node Specifications

Type Count CPU Memory Local NVMe Storage GPU
Thin-CPU 284 2xAMD EPYC 9254 (24 core) 384 GB 960 GB -
Fat-CPU 13 2xAMD EPYC 9454 (48 core) 2304 GB 1.92 TB -
Thin-GPU 20 2xAMD EPYC 9254 (24 core) 384 GB 1.92 TB 3xNVIDIA A30 Tensor Core GPU 24GB, 933GB/s
Fat-GPU 7 2xAMD EPYC 9454 (48 core) 1152 GB 1.92 TB + 15.36 TB 8xNVIDIA H100 SXM5 GPUs 80GB, 3.35TB/s

File Systems

The following file systems are available:

  • /home: For your software and scripts. High availability, but no backup. Quota: 50 GB per user.
  • /lustre: Parallel file system to use for your jobs. High availability, but no backup. Not for long term storage. Quotas: 1 TB and 1.000.000 files per user.
  • /tmp: Fast storage on each node for temporary data. Limited in space, except for FatGPU nodes where multiple TB are available. Data is removed when the job ends.

Partition Overview

Two partitions are available for each type of compute node: the filler partitions are designed for short jobs, while the standard partitions support longer-running tasks.

Jobs in the filler partition have a lower priority and will only start if no job from the regular partition requests resources. Running jobs in the filler will cost only a fraction of the fair share of a regular partition.

The vis partition is special since the visualization nodes are intended for interactive use.

Partition Timelimit Nodelist Max Tasks
per Node
Max Memory per CPU Share-Cost²
cpu 2-00:00:00¹ cpu[001-284] 48 8 GB 1.000 / core
cpu_filler 3:00:00 cpu[001-336] 48 8 GB 0.050 / core
fat_cpu 2-00:00:00 fatcpu[001-013] 96 24 GB 1.347 / core
fat_cpu_filler 3:00:00 fatcpu[001-013] 96 24 GB 0.067 / core
gpu 2-00:00:00 gpu[001-020] 48 8 GB 49.374 / GPU
gpu_filler 1:00:00 gpu[001-020] 48 8 GB 12.344 / GPU
fat_gpu 2-00:00:00 fatgpu[001-007] 96 12 GB 196.867 / GPU
fat_gpu_filler 1:00:00 fatgpu[001-007] 96 12 GB 49.217 / GPU
vis 1-00:00:00 vis[001-003] 48 24 GB 5.000 / core

¹ Times of up to 7 days are possible on this partition but not recommended. Only 2 days are guaranteed, jobs running longer than that may get cancelled if that becomes necessary for important maintenance work.

² Cost does not refer to money, but the factor of computing time that is added to a projects used share in order to compute job priorities. The costs are based on the relative monetary costs of the underlying hardware.