We provide Visualization via VirtualGL on the visualization nodes on
X11 server with 24-bit- or 32-bit Visuals. VirtualGL version > 3.0.2 installed.
You can check support for your Operating Sytsem at: You can download VirtualGL at:
To use VirtualGL on Elysium, you will only need the VirtualGL client, it is not necessary to configure a VirtualGL Server.
Resource allocation:
Allocate resources in the vis partition.
salloc -p vis -N1 --time=02:00:00 --account=$ACCOUNT
This will allocate a share of one vis node for 2 hours. (For more options on node allocations see SLURM). Wait until a Slot in the vis partition is available. You can check if your resources are already allocated using the ‘squeue’ command.
Establish Virtual GL connection:
Connect directly from your computer to the visualization node via ssh with vglonnect -s Use one of the login servers login[001-004] as a jump host.
vglconnect -s $ -J $
If you don’t like long commands, you can configure one of the login nodes as jump host in your ~/.ssh/config for the vis[001-003] hosts. The command vglconnect -s accepts nearly the same syntax as ssh.
Run your Software:
Load a module if required. Start your application using vglrun, please remember to use useful command line options like -fps .
module load vmd
vglrun +pr -fps 60 vmd
Please remember to cancel the resource allocation once you are done with your interactive session.
scancel $jobID