
Access to Elysium is granted based on HPC project applications. If you do scientific work at RUB, you are eligible for access; see the Terms of Use for details.

If you need a user account to login to Elysium go here: Get User Access. Note that access will only be active if you are assigned to at least one HPC project by a project manager!

If you already are a HPC project manager and would like to apply for a new project go here: Apply for a HPC Project.

If you are a professor or research group leader looking to apply for computing resources on Elysium go here: Become Project Manager.

Subsections of Access

Get User Access

In order to get a user account on Elysium you need to download and fill out the user access application form. Note that you can only login to the cluster after you were assigned to at least one project by a project manager.

HPC user access application screenshot HPC user access application screenshot

RUB LoginID: This is your RUB-LoginID. You need to active two-factor authentication for it.

SSH Key (Pub): Your public (not private!) SSH Key. This key must be your own. Sharing keys with others, e.g. members of your work group is not allowed. You can generate an SSH key pair with the following command:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/elysium -N "passphrase"

Then you enter the contents of the file ~/.ssh/ in the field. The “passphrase” should of course be changed to an appropriately complex password, that prevents malicious usage of your key.

Note that RSA keys must have at least 3000 bits in accordance with BSI regulations. We recommand ED25519 keys, as shown in the example above.

After you correctly filled out the form save the PDF as User-Access-Application_<loginID>.pdf e.g. User-Access-Application_mamuster.pdf and send it via email to

Updating the SSH-Key

If you want to register another ssh-key or you lost your already registered one, you simply fill out the User-Access-Application again, and send it in with the exact same filename. If your ssh-key was compromised or stolen please notify us immediately so that we can invalidate it.

Apply for a HPC Project

After you were approved as a Project Manager you can apply for research projects on Elysium by downloading and filling out the project application form. The application is required for managing the fair share of computing resources, and for reporting to the HPC-Beirat, Funding organizations, etc. There is no peer-review process and your project is automatically accepted. Note that more projects do not mean more computing resources. Your personal resources are shared between all you projects.

HPC project application screenshot HPC project application screenshot

RUB LoginID: This is your RUB-LoginID.

Project Name: Name under which your project should be listed in any report.

Abstract: A short 2-3 line abstract outlining the contents of your research project.

Field of Science: Identification number according to DFG subject classification system.

Third-party funded: Optional field for research projects with third party funding. E.g. Funding institution, or project number

RUB LoginIDs: Comma separated list of RUB-LoginIDs of the people you want to participate in this project. (Note that the project manager’s LoginID is not automatically included in the participant list. If you, as a project manager, want to participate in your own project, you must enter your Login ID as well.)

Contingent: From the dropdown menu select the computing resources contingent of your project. If you did not participated in the HPC cluster application you need to select “Miscellaneous User Groups”, or get permission by the members of the other contingents to use their resources.

After you correctly filled out the form save the PDF as Project-Application_<loginID>_<number>.pdf e.g. Project-Application_mamuster_5.pdf, where the number 5 refers to the fifth project application that was send in by you, and send it via email to

Updating a Project

If you need to add or remove users you can simply modify the user list in the pdf, and send it in again with the exact same filename.

Become Project Manager

In order to get computing resources on Elysium and be able to manage projects you need to download and fill out the project manager application form and sign the compliance to export control regulations form.

Please note that only professors and independent group leaders within the Ruhr-University are eligible to becoming project managers! See the regulations for details.

HPC project manager application screenshot HPC project manager application screenshot

Group Name: The name of your work group. E.g. “Chair for constructive demolition techniques”, or “Computatinal analysis of sumerian poetry”,…

Faculty/Institute: The name of the faculty your group is located in. E.g. “Faculty of Mathematics”, “ICAMS”, or “Universitätsklinikum Josefs-Hospital”

RUB LoginID: This is your RUB-LoginID.

Email: Your RUB-email. (Not your institute email address!) e.g.

Signed export regulations: After you read, understood, and signed the compliance to export control regulations form linked above, you check this box.

After you correctly filled out the form, save the PDF as Projectmanager-Application_<loginID>.pdf e.g. Resources-Application_mamuster.pdf. Save a scan of the signed export control regulations form as Compliance-Export-Control-Regulations_<loginID>.pdf e.g. Compliance-Export-Control-Regulations_mamuster.pdf. Send the application form and a scan of your signed export control regulations form via e-mail to