
Prof. Dr. M. Rögner
- Design and optimization of biomimetic systems for light-dependent biohydrogen production
- Photosynthesis-based biohydrogen production with recombinant cyanobacterial cells
- Proteome, lipidome and metabolome characterization of cyanobacterial systems (WT and design cells)
- Structure, function, regulation and design of components of the photosynthetic electron transport chain
- Development of new photobioreactor systems for efficient biohydrogen production with cyanobacterial mass cultures
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl Biochemie der Pflanzen
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum
Tel.: 0234 - 32 23634
Fax: 0234 - 32 14322

Prof. Dr. T. Happe
- Biochemical and biophysical characterization of hydrogenases and their interaction partners
- Design of O2-tolerant FeFe-hydrogenases by site directed mutagenesis and by directed evolution combined with high throughput screening
- Development and optimization of semi-artificial H2-producing systems
- Identification of O2-sensors, signaling pathways and transcription factors of the hypoxic response
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl Biochemie der Pflanzen
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum
Tel.: 0234 - 32 27026
Fax: 0234 - 32 14322
e-mail: thomas.happe@rub.de
web: www.rub.de/pb

Prof. Dr. Ing. H.-J. Wagner
- Optimization and scaling of the flat bed reactor with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Life cycle assessment along the whole process chain
- Adjustment of the light entry to a modular construction (natural light vs. artificial light)
- Scaling up the facility to an energy-economical plant, i.e. estimate the future cost of an industrial-scaled hydrogen production plant
- Development of a technical vision for a commercial H2 production system
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme und Energiewirtschaft
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum
Tel.: 0234 32 28044
Fax: 0234 32 4158
e-mail: lee@lee.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Prof. Dr. W. Lubitz
- Spectroscopy of hydrogenases: Electronic structure and function
- Crystallization and X-ray structure analysis of [NiFe] and [FeFe] hydrogenases: Spatial structure
- Oxygen tolerance of hydrogenases
- Electrochemical studies of hydrogenases attached to electrode surfaces
- Hydrogenases from hyperthermophilic organisms
- [FeFe] hydrogenases from green algae
Bioanorganische Chemie
Stiftstrasse 34 - 36
D - 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Tel.: 208 - 306 - 3614
Fax: 208 - 306 - 3955
web: www.mpi-muelheim.mpg.de/bac/index_de.php
Prof. Dr. A. Berkessel
- Organic Synthesis at the interface to Biolog
- low-molecular weight redox mediators
- tailor-made linkers for surface immobilization
- redox-active linkers for efficient electron transfer
- complexes of iron and nickel as hydrogenase models
- hydrogen activation without transition metals
University of Cologne
Department of Chemistry
Greinstraße 4
D-50939 Cologne
Tel.: 0221-470-3283
Fax: 0221-470-5102
e-mail: berkessel@uni-koeln.de
web: www.berkessel.de
Prof. Dr. B. Friedrich

Dr. O. Lenz
- Biocatalysts involved in H2-cycling
- Structure and function of O2-tolerant [NiFe]-hydrogenases
- Solar H2-production through efficient coupling of hydrogenases to oxygenic photosynhesis
- Heterologous synthesis of O2-tolerant hydrogenases in cyanobakteria
Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Institut für Biologie, Abt. Mikrobiologie
Chausseestr. 117
10115 Berlin
Tel: (Friedrich) 030-2093-8108
Tel: (Lenz) 030-2093-8173
Fax: 030-2093-8102
e-mail: baerbel.friedrich@rz.hu-berlin.de
e-mail: oliver.lenz@cms.hu-berlin.de

Prof. Dr. H. Dau
- Solar energy conversion in oxygenic photosynthesis (plants and cyanobacteria): Energetics and efficiency
- Tracking photosynthetic light reactions by fluorometric and photothermal methods in both preparations of photosystems and intact organisms
- Mechanism of water splitting in photosystem II of plants and cyanobacteria
- X-ray spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation for characterization catalytic metals centers in water splitting and hydrogen formation
- Biomimetic metal centers (artificial photosynthesis)
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Physik
Arnimallee 14
D-14195 Berlin
Tel.: 030-838-53581
Fax. 030-838-56299
e-mail: holger.dau@physik.fu-berlin.de
web: www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~ag-dau

Prof. Dr. J. Heberle
- Spectroelectrochemical analysis of coupled systems of hydrogenase und photosystem I.
- Molecular understanding of the oxygen-inhibition of a hydrogenase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrHydA1)
- Resolving the reaction mechanism of CrHydA1 by time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy
- Generation and spectroelectrochemical analysis of an in vitro system of CrHydA1 on the basis of novel surface modifiers
- Development of novel surface-sensitive vibrational spectroscopies (SEIRAS, TERS, SNIM) and their application to solid-supported biomembranes.
Freie Universität Berlin
Experimental Molecular Biophysics
Arnimallee 14
D-14195 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-838-56161
Fax: +49-30-838-56510
e-mail: joachim.heberle@fu-berlin.de