Start > Revolution und Unabhängigkeitskrieg > The Sons of Liberty, 1773 |
The Association of the Sons of Liberty of New-York, November 15, 1773 |
Mit den Sons of Liberty bildete sich in den britischen Kolonien in den 1760er Jahren eine organisierte Opposition gegen die Kolonialpolitik des Mutterlandes. Im Dezember 1773 rief die Gruppe als Protest gegen den vom britischen Parlament erlassenen Tea Act zum Boykott des importierten Tees auf. Die Sons of Liberty waren wenig später maßgeblich an der sogenannten „Boston Tea Party“ beteiligt: Am 16. Dezember stürmten Kolonisten drei britische Segelschiffe und warfen den geladenen Tee über Bord. |
THE ASSOCIATION OF THE SONS OF LIBERTY OF NEW-YORK It is essential to the Freedom and Security of a Free People, that no Taxes be imposed upon them but by their own Consent, or their Representatives. For "What Property have they, in that, which another may, by Right, take when he pleases, to himself?" The Former is the undoubted Birthright of Englishmen, to secure which they expended Millions and sacrificed the Lives of Thousands. And yet, to the Astonishment of all the World, and the Grief of America, the Commons of Great-Britain, after the Repeal of the memorable and detestable Stamp Act, reassumed the Power of imposing Taxes on the American Colonies, and insisting on it, as a necessary Badge of Parliamentary Supremacy, passed a Bill, in the seventh Year of his present Majesty's Reign, imposing Duties on all Glass, Painters' Colours, Paper, and Teas, that should, after the 20th of November, 1767, be "imported from Great-Britain into any Colony or Plantation in America". This Bill, after the Concurrence of the Lords, obtained the Royal Assent. And thus, they who, from Time immemorial, have exercised the Right of giving to, or withholding from the Crown, their Aids and Subsidies, according to their own free Will and Pleasure, signified by their Representatives in Parliament, do, by the Act in Question, deny us, their Brethren in America, the Enjoyment of the same Right. As this Denial, and the Execution of that Act, involves our Slavery, and would sap the Foundation of our Freedom, whereby we should become Slaves to our Brethren and Fellow Subjects, born to no greater Stock of Freedom than the Americans; the Merchants and Inhabitants of this City, in Conjunction with the Merchants and Inhabitants of the ancient American Colonies, entered into an Agreement to decline a Part of their Commerce with Great-Britain, until the abovementioned Act should be totally repealed. This Agreement operated so powerfully to the Disadvantage of the Manufacturers of England, that many of them were unemployed. To appease their Clamours, and to provide the Subsistence for them, which the Non-Importation Agreement had deprived them of, the Parliament in 1770, repealed so much of the Revenue Act as imposed a Duty on Glass, Painters' Colours, and Paper, and left the Duty on Tea, as a Test of the Parliamentary Right to Tax us. The Merchants of the Cities of New York and Philadelphia, having strictly adhered to the Agreement, so far as it is related to the Importation of Articles subject to an American Duty; have convinced the Ministry, that some other Measures must be adopted, to execute Parliamentary Supremacy over this Country; and to remove the Distress brought on the East India Company, by the ill Policy of that Act. Accordingly, to increase the Temptation, to the Shippers of Tea from England, an Act of Parliament passed the last Session, which gives the whole Duty on Tea, the Company were subject to pay, upon the Importation of it into England, to the Purchasers, and Exporters; and when the Company have Ten Millions of Pounds of Tea in their Warehouses, exclusive of the Quantity they may want to ship, they are allowed to export Tea, discharged from the Payment of that Duty with which they were before chargeable. In Hopes of Aid in the Execution of this Project, by the Influence of the Owners of the American Ships, Application was made by the Company, to the Captains of those Ships to take the Tea on Freight; but they virtuously rejected it. Still determined on the Scheme, they have chartered Ships to bring the Tea to this Country, which may be hourly expected, to make an important Trial of our Virtue. If they succeed in the Sale of that Tea, we shall have no Property that we can call our own, and then we may bid adieu to American Liberty. – Therefore, to prevent a Calamity, which, of all others, is the most to be dreaded, – Slavery, and its terrible Concomitants – we, the Subscribers, being influenced from a Regard to Liberty, and disposed to use all lawful Endeavours in our Power, to defeat the pernicious Project, and to transmit to our Posterity those Blessings of Freedom, which our Ancestors have handed down to us; and to contribute to the Support of the Common Liberties of America, which are in danger to be subverted, Do, for those important Purposes, agree to associate together, under the Name and stile of the SONS of LIBERTY of NEW-YORK, and engage our Honour, to and with each other, faithfully to observe and perform the following RESOLUTIONS, Viz. 1st. RESOLVED, That whoever shall aid, or abet, or in any manner assist, in the Introduction of Tea from any Place whatsoever, into this Colony, while it is subject, by a British Act of Parliament, to the Payment of a Duty, for the Purpose of raising a Revenue in America, he shall be deemed, an Enemy to the Liberties of America. 2d. RESOLVED, That whoever shall be aiding, or assisting, in the Landing, or carting of such Tea, from any Ship, or Vessel, or shall hire any House, Storehouse, or Cellar or any Place whatsoever, to deposit the Tea, subject to a Duty as aforesaid, he shall be deemed, an Enemy to the Liberties of America. 3d. RESOLVED, That whoever shall sell, or buy, or in any Manner contribute to the Sale, or Purchase of Tea, subject to a Duty as aforesaid, or shall aid, or abet, in transporting such Tea, by Land or Water, from this City, until the 7th Geo. III, chap. 46, commonly called the Revenue Act, shall be totally, and clearly repealed, he shall be deemed, an Enemy to the Liberties of America. 4th. RESOLVED, That whether the Duties on Tea, imposed by this Act, be paid in Great-Britain or in America, our Liberties are equally affected. 5th. RESOLVED, That whoever shall transgress any of these Resolutions, we will not deal with, or employ, or have any Connection with him.
NEW-YORK, November 29, 1773. |
Quelle: The Association of the Sons of L iberty of New-York, (New York: 1773). |
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