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Broadside, Bloody Butchery by the British Troops, April 21, 1775 |
Als britische Truppen am 19. April 1775 in den Orten Lexington und Concord versuchten, Waffenlager der Kolonistenmilizen zu beschlagnahmen, kam es zu den ersten bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen des Unabhängigkeitskrieges. Mehrere Dutzend Todesopfer auf beiden Seiten waren die Folge. Das Flugblatt stellt die Ereignisse aus Sicht der Kolonisten dar, die das Vorgehen als „barbarisch“ verurteilten. |
BLOODY BUTCHERY, Being the PARTICULARS of the VICTORIOUS BATTLE fought at and near CONCORD, situated Twenty Miles from Boston, in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New England, between Two Thousand regular Troops, belonging to his Britannic Majesty, and a few Hundred Provincial Troops [...] which lasted from Sun-rise to Sun-set on the Nineteenth of April, One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Five, when it was decided greatly in favor of the latter. Part of which has never before been printed. These Particulars are now published in this Form, at the Request of the Friends to the Deceased WORTHIES, who died gloriously fighting in the CAUSE OF LIBERTY and their COUNTRY; and it is their Desire that every Householder in AMERICA, who are sincere Well-wishers to the AMERICAN COLONIES, may be possessed of the same, either to frame and glass, or otherwise to preserve in their Houses, not only as a Token of Gratitude to the Memory of the Deceased Forty Persons, but as a perpetual Memorial of that important Event, on which perhaps, may depend the future FREEDOM and GREATNESS of the COMMONWEALTH of AMERICA. To which is annexed, A FUNERAL ELEGY on those who were slain in the Battle. (The second Edition corrected, with some Additions.)
From E. Russell's Salem Gazette, or Newbury and Marblehead Advertiser, published on Friday, April 21, 1775. On Tuesday evening the eighteenth instant, a body of soldiers under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, to the amount of about eight hundred men, embarked from Barton's -Point in Boston about eleven o'clock, crossed Charles river, landed at Phip's farm in Cambridge and marched immediately to Lexington, near twelve miles from Boston. At sunrise, they observing between thirty and forty inhabitants exercising near the meeting house, the commanding officer ordered them to lay down their arms and disperse, which not being directly complied with, he "damned them for a pack of rebels," ordered his men to fire upon them and killed eight men on the spot, besides wounding several more. The army then proceeded to Concord, drew up on the parade near the meeting house, during which time the inhabitants from the neighboring towns collected and took possession of the adjacent hills, about eleven o'clock firing began on both sides which lasted nearly an hour, when the regular troops began to retreat, the provincials closely pursuing them to a bridge at a small distance which the rebels took up as they passed; they then renewed the fire and some were slain on both sides. But the regulars still retreated and the provincials pursued them down to Lexington where the regulars, about three o'clock in the afternoon, met with a reinforcement of about twelve hundred men under the command of Earl Percy, with two brass field pieces, they then renewed the attack upon the provincials, but soon thought proper further to retreat towards their head-quarters, the provincials pursued them into Charlestown, where they arrived about sunset; taking immediately an advantageous [missing] Bunker's-Hill, about a mile from the [ missing ]: the provincials now discontinued the pursuit. The loss on either side [missing] we have not been able to ascertain, but it is about one hundred regulars killed and fifty wounded, among which were several officers: Two officers and a number of soldiers were taken prisoner. On the side of the province, we hear that thirty-five were slain and several wounded. The above is as particular an account of the engagement as can at this time be collected, in the present confused state of the province. We hear an officer and his servant, with two pairs of pistols, were yesterday taken and secured by our people at Roxbury, on their way to Castle-William .
SALEM, April 25. Last Wednesday, the nineteenth of April, the troops of his Britannic Majesty commenced hostilities upon the people of this province, attended with circumstances of cruelty not less brutal than what our venerable ancestors received from the vilest savages of the wilderness. The particulars relative to this interesting, by which we are involved in all the horrors of a civil war, we have endeavored to collect as well as the present confused state of affairs will admit. On Tuesday evening a detachment from the army, consisting, it is said, of eight or nine hundred men, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, embarked at the bottom of the common at Boston, on board a number of boats and landed at Phips Farm a little way up the Charles River, from whence they proceeded with silence and expedition on their way to Concord about eighteen miles from Boston. The people were soon alarmed and began to assemble in several towns before daylight in order to watch the motion of the troops. At Lexington, six miles below Concord, a company of militia, of about one hundred men, mustered near the meeting house. The troops came within sight of them just before the sunrise and running within a few rods of them, the commanding officer accosted the militia in words to this effect: – "Disperse you rebels – Damn you, throw down your arms and disperse." Upon which the troops huzzr'd and immediately one or two officers discharged their pistols, which were instantaneously followed by the firing of four or five of the soldiers and then there seemed to be a general discharge from the whole body. Eight of our men were killed and nine wounded. In a few minutes after this action, the enemy renewed the march for Concord, at which place they destroyed several carriages, carriage wheels, and about twenty barrels of flour, all belonging to the province. Here about one hundred men going toward a bridge of which the enemy were in possession, the latter fired and killed two of our men, who then returned the fire and obliged the enemy to retreat back to Lexington, where they met Lord Percy with a large reinforcement, with two pieces of cannon. – The enemy now having a body of about eighteen hundred men made a halt, picked up many of their dead, and took care of their wounded. At Menotomy, a few of our men, belonging to the detachment from Lynn-End attacked a party of about twelve of the enemy, (carrying stores and provisions to the troops) killed two of them, wounded several, took six prisoners, shot five horses and took possession of their arms, stores, provisions &c and without any loss on our side. Among those who were killed was a lieutenant who went with the provisions for his recreation and to view the country, the officer of the guard who generally attends on such occasions being only a sergeant. The enemy having halted one or two hours at Lexington, found it necessary to make a second retreat, carrying with them many of their dead and wounded, who they put in chassis and on horses they found standing in the road. They continued their retreat from Lexington to Charlestown with great precipitation and notwithstanding their field pieces, our people continued the pursuit, firing at them until they got to Charlestown Neck (which they reached a little after sunset) over which the enemy passed, proceeded up Bunker's-Hill, and soon afterwards went into town under the protection of the Somerset man of war of seventy-four guns. In Lexington, the enemy set fire to Deacon Joseph Loring's house and barn We have the pleasure to say that not withstanding the highest provocations by the enemy, not one instance of cruelty that we have heard of was committed by our victorious militia, but listening to the merciful dictates of the Christian religion, they “breathed higher sentiment of humanity.” By an account of the loss of the enemy, said to have come from an officer of one of the men of war, it appears that sixty-three of the regulars and forty-nine marines were killed and one hundred and three of both wounded: In all, two hundred and fifteen. Lieut. Guild of the fourth regiment, who is wounded, and Lieut. Potter of the marines, and about twelve soldiers are prisoners. Mr. James Howard and one of the regulars discharged their pieces at the same instant and each killed the other. The public most sincerely sympathizes with the friends and relations of our deceased brethren, who generously sacrificed their lives in fighting for the liberties of their country. By their noble, intrepid conduct in helping to defeat the forces of an ungrateful Tyrant, they have endeared [missing] memories to the present generation who will transmit their names to poster [ missing ] the highest honor. The above account is the best [missing] obtain. We can only add that the town of Boston is now invested by a vast army of our brave Countrymen who have flown to our assistance from all quarters. GOD grant them assistance in the extirpation of our cruel and unnatural enemies.
SALEM, May 5. On the nineteenth of April were killed, among others, by the British troops at Menotomy, as he was courageously defending his country's rights the good, the pious, and friendly Mr. DANIEL TOWNSEND, of Lynn-End. He was a constant and ready friend to the poor and afflicted; a good advisor in case of difficulty and an able, mind, and sincere reprover of those who were out of the way. In short, he was a friend to his country, a blessing to society, and ornament to the church, of which he was a member. He has left an amiable consort and five young children, to bewail the loss.
On Thursday the twentieth past, the bodies of eleven of the unfortunate persons who fell in the battle were collected and buried at Medford. And on Friday, the bodies of Messieurs HENRY JACOBS, SAMUEL COOK, EBENEZER GOLDTHWAIT, GEORGE SOUTHWICK, BENJAMIN DALAND, jun., JONATHAN WEBB and PERLEY PUTNAM of Danvers, who were likewise slain fighting in the GLORIOUS CAUSE OF LIBERTY AND THEIR COUNTRY on the nineteenth of April, were respectfully interred among their friends in the different parishes belonging to that town, their corpses being attended to the place of internment by two companies of minute-men from that place and a large concourse of people from this and the neighboring towns; previous to their internment an excellent and well-adapted prayer was delivered by the reverent Mr. Holt of that place. Same day the remains of Messieurs AZAEL PORTER and DANIEL THOMPSON of Woburn, who also fell victim to tyranny, were decently interred at that place, attended by a multitude of persons who assembled on the occasion from that and the neighboring towns: Before they were interred, a very suitable sermon and prayer was delivered by the Reverend Mr. Sherman. Lieut. Joseph Knight of the fifth regiment died in Boston the next day after the engagement of his wounds he received in the same. He was greatly regretted, being esteemed one of the best officers among the King's troops. Lieut. Hull, of the regulars, died of his wounds Wednesday last at the provincial hospital. His remains were next day conveyed to Charlestown, attended by a company of provincials, and several officers of distinction and there delivered to the order of General Gage. Twenty-three wounded soldiers lately died at the Castle. Lieutenant Hawkshaw was wounded in the cheek and it is tho't he will not recover. Lieutenant Gore was wounded in the arm. About 12 other officers are wounded. We can assure the public, from the best authority, that our brethren, of all the colonies which we can yet have heard from are from and unshaken in their attachment to the common cause of America, and that they are now ready with their lives and fortunes, to assist us in defeating the cruel designs of our implacable enemies. We have received no particulars between General Gage and the inhabitants of Boston. It is certain that the people have given up their arms. Very few of them have, however, been permitted to leave the town, notwithstanding the promise of the General.
The following is a list of the Provincials who were killed and wounded
Missing (supposed to be on board one of the men of war) Mr. Samuel Frost Sudbury
Medford 29. Mr. Henry Putnam Wounded 13. Mr. William Polly Lynn
Missing (on board the Admiral's ship) Mr. Joshua Breed Danvers
Those distinguished with this mark [ * ] were killed by the first fire of the enemy
SALEM, N.E., Printed and sold by E. Russell at his printing office, removed next to JOHN TURNER, Esq., in the Main Street - At the same place may also be had, poetical remarks on the BLOODY TRAGEDY of the Nineteenth of April 1775. Likewise, several small pieces on the times, among which is the most remarkable dream that ever was dreamed in New-England. By S. Clarks.
____________________________________________________________ A FUNERAL ELEGY TO THE IMORTAL MEMORY of those WORTHIES who were slain in the Battle of CONCORD, April 19, 1775.
Aid me ye nine! My muse assist, Sure bid their friends adieu, O Squire Gardiner's death we feel,
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