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Speech in Behalf of the Six Nations, 1742 |
Bei einem Treffen mit dem Lieutenant Governor von Pennsylvania, George Thomas, hielt Iroquois Chief Canassateego eine kurze Ansprache, die zeigt, dass es den Native Americans durchaus bewusst war, welche zentrale Rolle Kontrolle, Besitz und Eigentum von Boden in den Beziehungen zwischen den Einwanderern und den Ureinwohnern spielten. |
BRETHREN, the governor and council, and all present, According to our Promise we now propose to return you an Answer to the several Things mentioned to us Yesterday, and shall beg Leave to speak to publick Affairs first, tho' they were what you spoke to last. On this Head you Yesterday put us in Mind, first, “Of William Penn's early and constant Care to cultivate Friendship with all the Indians; of the Treaty we held with one of his Sons, about ten Years ago; and of the Necessity there is at this Time of keeping the Roads between us clear and free from all Obstructions. We are all very sensible of the kind Regard that good Man William Penn had for all the Indians, and cannot but be pleased to find that his Children have the same. We well remember the Treaty you mention held with his Son on his Arrival here, by which we confirmed our League of Friendship, that is to last as long as the Sun and Moon endure: In Consequence of this, we, on our Part, shall preserve the Road free from all Incumbrances; in Confirmation whereof we lay down this String of Wampum. You, in the next Place, said you would enlarge the Fire and make it burn brighter, which we are pleased to hear you mention; and assure you, we shall do the same, by adding to it more Fewel, that it may still flame out more strongly than ever: In the last Place, you were pleased to say that we are bound by the strictest Leagues, to watch for each others Preservation; that we should hear with our Ears for you, and you hear with your Ears for us: This is equally agreeable to us; and we shall not fail to give you early Intelligence, whenever any Thing of Consequence comes to our Knowledge: And to encourage you to do the same, and to nourish in your Hearts what you have spoke to us with your Tongues about the Renewal of our Amity and the Brightening of the chain of Friendship; we confirm what we have said with another Belt of Wampum. BRETHREN, we received from the Proprietors Yesterday some Goods in Consideration of our Release of the Lands on the West-side of Sasquehannah. It is true, we have the full Quantity according to Agreement; but if the Proprietor had been here himself, we think, in Regard of our Numbers and Poverty, he would have made an Addition to them. - If the Goods were only to be divided amongst the Indians present, a single Person would have but a small Portion; but if you consider what Numbers are left behind, equally entitled with us to a Share, there will be extremely little. We therefore desire, if you have the Keys of the Proprietor's Chest, you will open it, and take out a little more for us. We know our Lands are now become more valuable: The white People think we do not know their Value; but we are sensible that the Land is everlasting, and the few Goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone. For the future, we will sell no Lands but when Brother Onas is in the Country; and we will know beforehand, the Quantity of the Goods we are to receive. Besides, we are not well used with respect to the Lands still unsold by us. Your People daily settle on these Lands, and spoil our Hunting. - We must insist on your removing them, as you know they have no Right to settle to the Northward of Kittochtinny-Hills. - In particular, we renew our Complaints against some People who are settled at Juniata, a Branch of Sasquehannah, and all along the Banks of that River, as far as Mahaniay; and desire they may be forthwith made to go off the Land, for they do great Damage to our Cousins the Delawares. We have further to observe, with respect to the Lands lying on the West-side of Sasquehannah that though Brother Onas (meaning the Proprietor) has paid us for what his People possess, yet some Parts of that Country have been taken up by Persons, whose Place of Residence is to the South of this Province, from whom we have never received any Consideration. This Affair was recommended to you by our Chiefs at our last Treaty; and you then, at our earnest Desire, promised to write a Letter to that Person who has the Authority over those People, and to procure us his Answer: As we have never heard from you on this Head, we want to know what you have done in it. If you have not done any Thing, we now renew our Request, and desire you will inform the Person whose People are seated on our Lands that that Country belongs to us, in Right of Conquest; we having bought it with our Blood, and taken it from our Enemies in fair War; and we expect, as Owners of that Land, to receive such a Consideration for it as the Land is worth. We desire you will press him to send a positive Answer: Let him say Yes or No: if he says Yes, we will treat with him; if No, we are able to do ourselves Justice, and we will do it, by going to take Payment ourselves. It is customary with us to make a Present of Skins whenever we renew our Treaties. We are ashamed to offer our Brethren so few, but your Horses and Cows have eaten the Grass our Deer used to feed on. This has made them scarce, and will, we hope, plead in Excuse for our not bringing a larger Quantity. If we could have spared more, we would have given more; but we are really poor; and desire you'll not consider the Quantity, but few as they are, accept them in Testimony of our Regard.
Quelle: Colden, Cadwallader, The History of the Five Nations of Canada, vol. 2, (reprint 1973; New York: Allerton Book Co., 1922), 84-88. |