Schedule of the Research Seminar on Probability and Geometry
Summer term 2022/23 The seminar takes place Monday 10-12 in IA 1/75.
- April 3, 2023: Amin Coja-Oghlan (TU Dortmund)
Random combinatorial matrices - April 27, 2023 Mini Workshop "Limit theorem from the roots of polynomials", IC 03/444-414
- 14:00 Uhr Vytas Zacharovas (Taiwan),
Limit laws of the coefficients of polynomials with only unit roots
The main object of the talk is limiting distribution of coefficients of polynomials whose all zeroes are located on the unit circle. It turns out that this restriction on the possible location of zeroes greatly simplifies the analysis of the limiting distributions of coefficients of such polynomials. The resulting limit theorems can be applied to the analysis of generating functions arising in various combinatorial problems. - 15:00 Uhr Marcus Michelen (Chicago), Central limit theorems from zero-free regions
Let X be a random variable with probability generating function f_X. What is the relationship between the zeros of f_X and the distribution of the random variable X? We will describe two sharp, quantitative central limit theorems for X based on two different assumptions of zero-freeness. Crucial to the proofs of these results is understanding how to harness the fact that f_X has non-negative coefficients. Applications to multivariate polynomials as well as anti-concentration will be discussed. This talk is based on joint work with Julian Sahasrabudhe. - 15:45 Uhr Nils Heerten (RUB), Probabilistic limit theorems induced by the zeros of polynomials
Let X be a discrete random variable whose probability generating function is zero-free in a sector around the positive real axis in the complex plane. We give sharp bounds on the cumulants of all orders of X, which lead to Berry-Essen bounds, mod-Gaussian convergence, moderate deviation results and concentration inequalities. Simplified cumulant bounds are derived for a class of random variables whose probability generating functions have all roots located on the unit circle. The results will be illustrated by various examples.
- 14:00 Uhr Vytas Zacharovas (Taiwan),
- May 22, 2023: Renjie Feng (Bielefeld)
Determinantal point processes on the sphere - July 11, 2023 Mini Workshop "Random graphs", ID 03/653
- 10:00 - 11:00 Tara Trauthwein: Normal approximation of Poisson functionals via generalized p-Poincaré inequalities
- 11:30 - 12:30 Matthias Linenau: Large components in the subcritical Norros-Reittu model
- 14:30 - 15:30 Benedikt Rednoß: Normal approximation for subgraph counts
Winter term 2022/23 The seminar takes place Tuesday 12-14 in IA 1/75.
- October 18, 2022: Julia Krecklenberg (RUB)
Triangles in anisotropic Poisson line tessellations - October 25, 2022: Nils Heerten (RUB)
Limit theorems for the coefficients of root-unitary polynomials - November 8, 2022: Holger Sambale (RUB)
Concentration on Stiefel- and Grassmann manifolds - November 15, 2022: Benedikt Rednoß (RUB)
Introduction to Stein's method (part 1) - November 22, 2022: Benedikt Rednoß (RUB)
Introduction to Stein's method (part 2) - November 29, 2022: Sara Terveer (Bielefeld)
Central limit theorems for hitting times of random walks on Erdős–Rényi random graphs - December 13, 2022: Kathrin Meier (RUB)
Fine analysis of segments in planar STIT tessellations - January 17, 2023: Daniel Rosen (RUB)
The hyperbolic radial spanning tree - January 24, 2023: Jan Nagel (Dortmund)
Summer term 2022 The seminar takes place Monday 10-12 in IA 1/75.
- March 29, 2022, full afternoon: meeting of the two internal working groups
- March 30, 2022, full afternoon: meeting of the two internal working groups
- June 27, 2022: Vanessa Trapp (Hamburg)
- July 4, 2022: Florian Besau (Vienna) - Cancelled
- July 8, 2022, 15-16 via zoom: Deping Ye (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- July 11, 2022: Mathias Sonnleitner (Passau) and Florian Besau (Vienna)
Winter term 2021/22 The seminar takes place Thursday 14-16 in IA 1/135.
- October 21, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Daniel Rosen (RUB)
Distance of zeroes of classical orthogonal polynomials - October 28, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Moritz Otto (OVGU Magdeburg)
Poisson process approximation in Poisson Voronoi and hyperplane mosaics - November 4, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Heide Langhammer (WIAS Berlin)
Large deviations for the connected components of a sparse inhomogeneous random graph
The talk takes place online via zoom! - November 11, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Holger Sambale (RUB)
Large Deviations for Stiefel manifolds - November 18, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Kathrin Meier (RUB)
Power-of-two Policies in Redundancy Systems: the Impact of Assignment Constraints - December 2, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Arne Grauer (Universität Köln)
Chemical distance in geometric random graphs with long edges and scale-free degree distribution - December 7, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Jannika Buß (RUB)
Eine Erweiterung des FGMW-Modells für den nicht kompakten Fall
This talk takes place in IA 1/109 ! - December 9, 2021 (14:15 - 15:45) Jonas Jalowy (WWU Münster)
The Wasserstein distance to the Circular Law - January 13, 2022 (14:15 - 15:45) Christoph Thäle (RUB)
- January 20, 2022 (14:15 - 15:45) Lorenz Frühwirth (Universität Graz)
- January 25, 2022 (16:15 - 17:45) Philip Dörr (OVGU Magdeburg)
Extreme Values of Permutation Statistics in Suitable Triangular Arrays
The talk takes place online via zoom! - January 27, 2022 (14:15 - 15:45) Nils Heerten (RUB)
Limit theorems for root unitary polynomials
Due to the Corona outbreak our Research Seminar on Probability and Geometry will take place online via zoom. If you would like to participate, don't hesitate and write an email to Christoph Thäle. Anyone who is interested is highly welcome!
Summer term 2021
- April 16, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Preliminary discussion
- April 30, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Anna Gusakova
Random convex chains and random polygons in a polygon - May 7, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Carina Betken
Quantitative two-scale stablization on the Poisson space - May 14, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Anastas Baci
Summary and presentation of the PhD projects - May 21, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Presentation of the results of the working groups of the last winter term
- June 4, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Christoph Thäle
Polyhedral cones and their geometric functionals - June 11, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Gilles Bonnet
Conical integral geometry - June 18, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Maret Lea Rautert
Concentration of conical intrinsic volumes - June 25, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Tristan Schiller
Application to convex optimization problems - July 2, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Daniel Rosen
Conical random tessellations - July 9, 2021 (10:00 - 11:30) Bahareh Yousefi
Random cones on half spheres
Winter term 2020/21 This semester we are running two internal working groups about
- Poisson hyperplane tessellations (introductory talk given by Gilles Bonnet on November 3, 16-18)
- Iteration stable tessellations (introductory talk given by Tom Kaufmann on November 17, 16-18)
Summer term 2020
- April 16, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) Christoph Thäle
Weak convergence of random cones and polytopes - April 28, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) Gilles Bonnet
Random polytopes in high dimensions - May 5, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) David Alonso-Gutiérrez
Loomis-Whitney and dual Loomis-Whitney inequalities - May 11, 2020 (17:00 - 18:00) Andreas Basse-O'Connor
On infinite divisible laws on high dimensional spaces
This talk is part of the RTG research seminar. - May 19, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) Joscha Prochno
Asymptotic volume ration of Schatten p-classes - May 26, 2020 (15:00 - 16:00) Elisabeth Werner
Extremal affine surface areas - June 2, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) Florian Besau
Best and random approximation in the dual Brunn-Minkowski theory - June 16, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) Kathrin Meier
Strict d-descents in random permutations - June 24 (Wednesday!), 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) András Tóbiás
SINR percolation and degree bounds - June 30, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) Beatrice-Helen Vritsiou
Hadwiger's covering conjecture and an approach via measure concentration - July 6, 2020 (17:00 - 18:00) Thomas Godland
Conical tessellations associated with Weyl chambers
This talk is part of the RTG research seminar. - July 14, 2020 (11:00 - 12:00) Johannes Heiny
Logarithmic volume of rotationally invariant simplices