- Algebraische Gruppen, Lie Algebren und deren Darstellungen
- Darstellungstheorie (von endlich dimensionalen Algebren)
- Köcher Grassmannsche
- Algebraische Kombinatorik
Tagungen und Präsentationen
- Cologne Algebra Seminar, Cologne, Januar
Vortrag: Torus actions on quiver Grassmannians
- Thematic trimester program on Representation theory, Paris "Institut Henri Poincaré", Februar-März
- Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar, Rom "Tor Vergata", Dezember
Vortrag: Linear degenerations of affine Grassmannians and moment graphs
- Algebraic Combinatorics in Genova, Genua, September
- Bielefeld Bochum Seminar, Bielefeld, September
Vortrag: Degenerate Affine Flag Varieties and Quiver Grassmannians
- Summer School - Perspectives in Linear Algebraic Groups, Bochum, August
- Geometric and Computational Aspects of Representation Theory of Lie Algebras and Quivers, Aachen, Februar
Vortrag: Degenerate Affine Flag Varieties and Quiver Grassmannians
- Geometry and Representation Theory at the interface of Lie Algebras and Quivers, Bochum, September
- XVIII International Conference on Representations of Algebras, Prag, August
Vortrag: Degenerate Affine Flag Varieties and Quiver Grassmannians
- Algebraic Combinatorics in Ancona, Ancona, Juni
- Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra, Oberwolfach, Mai
- Workshop for Young Researchers: Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory, Köln, März
Poster: Quiver Grassmannians for the Equioriented Cycle
- Geometry and Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups, Bad Honnef, März
Lehre und Seminare
Wintersemester 19/20
- Oberseminar Algebraic Geometry (H. Flenner, D. Kus, M. Reineke), montags, 12-14 Uhr, IA 1/75
- Oberseminar Lie Theory (D. Kus, M. Reineke, G. Röhrle), dienstags, 14-16 Uhr, IA 1/53
- Übungen Mathematik für Biologen (D. Kacso), mittwochs, 12-14 Uhr, NB 2/99
- Basic Notions Seminar (mit L. Barth and F. Korthauer), mittwochs, 16-18 Uhr, IA 1/63
Sommersemester 2019
- Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (H. Flenner, D. Kus, M. Reineke), montags, 12-14 Uhr, IA 1/75
- Oberseminar Lie Theorie (D. Kus, M. Reineke, G. Röhrle), dienstags, 14-16 Uhr, IA 1/53
- Basic Notions Seminar (mit L. Barth and M. Bertozzi), mittwochs, 16-18 Uhr, IA 1/75
- Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (H. Flenner, D. Kus, M. Reineke), montags, 16-18 Uhr, IA 1/53
- Oberseminar Lie Theorie (D. Kus, M. Reineke, G. Röhrle), dienstags, 14-16 Uhr, IB 2/141
Sommersemester 2018
- Oberseminar Lie Theorie (D. Kus, M. Reineke, G. Röhrle), montags, 14-16 Uhr, NA 2/64
- Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie (H. Flenner, D. Kus, M. Reineke), montags, 16-18 Uhr, NA 2/64