Institutions for Teachers

If you wish to explore available teaching and education services in depth, please reach out to the following contacts:

Administrative Department 1: University Development and Strategy

At Administrative Department 1, Unit 1 “Teaching and Committees” is in charge of central committees at Ruhr-Universität and is responsible for all matters pertaining to quality management and evaluation in teaching and education.

International Office

The International Office coordinates the university’s international relations and is the point of contact for all questions regarding the internationalisation of teaching, research and administration.


IT.SERVICES ensures information and communication supply as well as media technology for research, teaching, studies and administration.

University library

With its wealth of services, the university library actively supports teachers, researchers and students, helping them manage their tasks.

Centre of Academic Didactics

The Centre of Academic Didactics (ZFW) is the central port of call for RUB teachers and students who have questions regarding academia-related didactics. Its main areas of competence include eLearning, general higher-education didactics, and academic writing.

RUB for university teachers
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