The programme for the second Bochum Stem Cell Forum is available.
Please click here to download it.
The second Bochum Stem Cell Forum organized by the Bochum Stem Cell Group will take place on September 23th in the Veranstaltungszentrum
of the Ruhr-University (Lower floors of the Mensa building). Among other experts in the field of Stem Cell Biology Prof. Dr. Oliver Brüstle (Bonn)
and Prof. Dr. Peter Horn (Essen) will give keynote lectures. Graduate students are encouraged to present their projects in a poster session.
The access to this meeting is free. Please use our website to register,
as we need feed-back for planning the catering of the meeting.
Dear colleagues,
the first meeting of the Bochum Stem Cell Group was an encouraging success.
Investigators and
graduates enjoyed an exciting series of talks concerning current developments in the fields of hematopoetic and neural
stem cells. The Stem Cell Network NRW wellcomed our initiative and may support further meetings in Bochum in the future.
I wish all of you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year,
Andreas Faissner