Nineteenth-Century Transnational History
Our core activity is research into and teaching about historical phenomena which call for an approach extending beyond the perspective of a single nation state or states. Our foci lie in the history of colonialism and capitalism, in exploring the networks created and driven by migration, and in the history of childhoods. We proceed from the assumption that the nineteenth century’s mobility and migration, money and economic systems, knowledge and mentalities, and products and actors were subject, to varying degrees, to local, national, imperial or colonial, and global conditions and influences.
Taking a transnational view enables us to access an approach centring on circulation, communication and the transcending of boundaries without failing to perceive the presence of their supposed opposites, stasis, an inside view, and the manifestation of boundaries. Analogously, our approach draws substantially on the dialectical relationship, crucial as it is to our understanding of the nineteenth century, between the enclosed and contained space of the national and the spatial modi enacted in the transgression of boundaries.
The Gerda Henkel Foundation supports the Project "Democracy and Gender. Conflicts concerning the Order of the German Society in the 20th century", for which the RUB, the Institute for Contemporary History in Münster and the WWU Münster have applied for jointly.
Lasse Heerten writes in the FAZ about the current Debate on Holocaust and (Post-)Colonialism: "Biafra zum Beispiel".
Prof. Dr. Sandra Maß will be on sabbatical leave between 1.Oct.2021-30.Sept.2022 due to a research project. Dr. Nina Verheyen will take over the courses.
Please click here for the Programme to the Conference "Transnational Families and Childhood in Modern History: Perspectives and Challenges" on 2nd and 3rd of September 2021..
The Conference will be held at the Ruhr-University in Bochum.
Global Family History: The DFG is supporting the new research project "The Kaundinyas between Protestant Mission and European Colonialism, 1850-1945."
The VolkswagenStiftung is supporting the new research project "Clio Contaminated? History in the Anthropocene". At the 21.06.2021, Sandra Maß will be speaking about the project in the public lecture series "Climatic and environmental changes in the mediterranean region as turning points in history".
Overview of current lectures, seminars and colloquia.
Please visit the eCampus for commentaries.
Recent publications
Lasse Heerten: An Imperial Adventus into a City of Warehouses: History, Modernity, and Urbanity in the Symbolic and Material Construction of Hamburg’s Free Port, in: Central European History 57 (2024), Nr. 3, S. 311-337.
Sandra Maß: Zukünftige Vergangenheiten. Geschichte schreiben im Anthropozän, Göttingen 2024.
Lasse Heerten: Biafras of the Mind. French Postcolonial Humanitarianism in Global Conceptual History, in: The American Historical Review 126 (2021), Nr. 4, S. 1448-1484.
Lasse Heerten: Lasse Heerten: Der Biafra-Krieg als globales Medien- und Protestereignis, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 71, Nr. 32-33, S. 28-33.
Sandra Maß: Constructing global missionary families: Absence, memory, and belonging before World War I in: Journal of Modern European History 19, 2021, No. 3, pp. 340-361.
Lasse Heerten: Mooring Mobilities, Fixing Flows: Towards a Global Urban History of Port Cities in the Age of Steam, in: Journal of Historical Sociology 34 (2021), Nr. 2, S. 350-374.
Lasse Heerten: Anti-Slavery and Indentured Labor in the Age of Global Empire, in: Humanity. An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 11 (2020), No. 3, pp. 352-369.
Lasse Heerten: Roundtable: Biafra, Humanitarian Intervention and History, in: Journal of Humanitarian Affairs 2 (2020), No. 2, pp. 66-78. (Together with Marie-Luce Desgrandchamps, Arua Oko Omaka, Kevin O’Sullivan und Bertrand Taithe)
Lisa Gerlach: "Väter, Söhne, Beziehungen, Netzwerke: Empfehlungsschreiben jüdischer Eliten im 19. Jahrhundert," in: PaRDeS. Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany (= Jewish Families and Kinship in the Early Modern and Modern Eras), 26 (2020), pp. 89-107.
Sandra Maß: "Werde ein guter Staatsbürger" (Become a good citizen). Zur Politisierung von Sparsamkeit im 20. Jahrhundert, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70, 2020, Nr. 48 ("Schwarze Null"), S. 25-33.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Faculty of History
Transnationale Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts
GA 6/51
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Heike von Hagen
Tel.: 0234 32-24664
Room GA 4/139
Please check the office hours
Office hours for Prof. Maß
12.02.25, 14:30 - 15:30 PM
Please make an appointment via DFN.
If you need more than 10 minutes, please book a double slot.