Welcome to the Departments of Philosophy at RUB!

The subject of Philosophy at RUB is represented by two Institutes which belong to the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Science. This organizational structure serves above all to foster the diversity of research and to promote innovation in both Institutes: Ruhr University Bochum thus offers a  profile  in philosophical research that can only be found at a few universities: In addition to all epochs of the history of philosophy, many areas of current systematic research are represented.
Both Institutes form a teaching unit and jointly run the BA programme and three MA programmes (1-subject MA, 2-subject MA, M.Ed.). Both Institutes also offer specialized and internationally oriented MA courses under their own responsibility. The teaching unit thus offers students a diverse and attractive range of courses.



Das Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie / Hegel-Archiv veranstaltet seit 2011 die Bochumer Hegel-Vorlesungen. Sie umfassen einen Gastvortrag und ein Kolloquium für interessierte Studierende, Doktorand:innen und Post-Docs.

27. Juni 2023
18.15 Uhr
HGA 20

Bochumer Hegel-Vorlesung (Plakat)
Prof. Dr. Axel Honneth (Columbia University, New York)
Hegel und Fichte. Zwei frühe Formen von Kapitalismuskritik
