Self, Memory, and the Unconscious Mind
It is commonly agreed that the Self is constituted by memories. Less agreement exists about which memories constitute which aspects of the Self and which role conscious and unconscious mental processes play for the construction of the Self. How is the Self built through memory and how does the Self influence what we remember? Why are some memory processes and contents conscious and others unconscious? What is the relationship between conscious and unconscious aspects of the Self?
The workshop brings together renowned psychologists, neuroscientists, psychoanalysts, and philosophers working on memory, the Self, and the unconscious mind to establish an interdisciplinary perspective on the relation between these three topics.
February 22/23, 2018
Start: 22.2.: 11:00 h
End: 23.2.: 16:30 h
Ruhr University Bochum
GA 04/187 (Mercator Lecture Room)
Scientific Organization:
Nikolai Axmacher und Gerd Waldhauser, Fakultät für Psychologie
Beate Krickel und Albert Newen, Institut für Philosophie II