Economic History Yearbook

The Economic History Yearbook(JWG) addresses economic historians, social historians, economists, historians, sociologists and the public interested in topics regarding economic history. It is released annually as one book com-prising of two journals and is published by the renowned Verlag De Gruyter. Since its first publication in 1960, and particularly since its reorientation in method and content after its reestablishment in 1992, the JWG has won recognition as an internationally known periodical of economical history with a specific individual profil.
The JWG aims to be a place of scientific discussion about economic developments, the logic of scientific research and economic behavior with its social and cultural interde-pendences since the 16th century. In terms of geography, the yearbook focuses on Euro-pean, especially German, issues in comparative studies. It also offers a place for inter-disciplinary discussion and mutual criticism between empirical and theoretical re-searchers, who deal with economic behavior, structures and institutions from a historical perspective.
This understanding of economic history finds its expression in the intensive preoccupa-tion with theories, concepts and models of economic and social history, especially the history of economic dogmas. The orientation of its content adds to the individual profile of the yearbook as well as the amount of theory-based empirical studies that are pub-lished in the book.
Each volume discusses a main topic with six essays (part I). Individual essays deal with a broad variety of issues regarding scientific debates and research about topics of economic history (part II). The single volumes conclude with a literature review and the introduction of new research projects (part III).
Submitted essays must pass an expert opinion that determines their acceptance into the magazine.
Since 2002 the supplements of the Economic History Yearbook have been published.