Dr. Henrik Stötzel
Analysis 2007-2008
Analysis I, WS 2007/2008
Analysis II, SS 2008
Analysis III, WS 2008/2009
[1] Heinzner, P.; Stötzel, H.:
Semistable points with respect to real forms
Math. Ann. 338 (2007), 1-9
[2] Heinzner, P.; Stötzel, H.: Critical points of the norm square of the moment
In: Global aspects of complex geometry. Ed.: Catanese at all, Springer Berlin
Heidelberg 2006, 211-226
[3] Heinzner, P.; Schwarz, G.;
Stötzel, H.: Stratifications with respect to actions of real reductive groups
Compos. Math. 144 (2008), 163-185
[4] Stötzel, H.: Quotients of real reductive group actions related to orbit type strata
Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2008
[5] Stötzel, H.: A Quotient Restriction Theorem for actions of real reductive groups
to appear in Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal)
[6] Stötzel, H.: Closed orbits of real reductive representations