Dr. Julian Grote
Ich bin derzeit Professurvertreter an der Universität Ulm.
Surface area deviation between smooth convex bodies and polytopes (Grote, J; Thäle, C; Werner, E)
preprint on arXiv -
Universal Scaling Limits for Generalized Gamma Polytopes (Grote, J)
preprint on arXiv -
Threshold phenomena for high-dimensional random polytopes (Bonnet, G; Chasapis, G; Grote, J; Temesvari, D; Turchi, N)
accepted in Communications in Comtemporary Mathematics -
Limit theorems for random simplices in high dimensions (Grote, J; Kabluchko, Z; Thäle, C)
ALEA Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 16, 141–177 (2019). -
Approximation of smooth convex bodies by random polytopes (Grote, J; Werner, E)
Electronic Journal of Probability 23, paper no. 9 (2018). -
Monotonicity of facets numbers of random convex hulls (Bonnet, G; Grote, J; Temesvari, D; Thäle, C; Turchi, N; Wespi, F)
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 455, 1351–1364 (2017). -
Gaussian polytopes: a cumulant-based approach (Grote, J; Thäle, C)
The Journal of Complexity 47, 1-41 (2018). Best paper award 2018. -
Concentration and moderate deviations for Poisson polytopes and polyhedra (Grote, J; Thäle, C)
Bernoulli 24, 2811-2841 (2018).
Research stay
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Research stay with Prof. Elisabeth Werner. February - May, 2017.
Events and Talks
Talk with the title "Asymptotische Geometrie von Zufallspolytopen mittels Kumulanten" on the Students' Conference during the 2015 annual meeting of the Deutsche-Mathematiker Vereinigung (DMV)
Hamburg, Germany. September 21-25, 2015 -
Convexity, probability and discrete structures, a geometric view point
Marne-la-Vallée (Paris), France. October 26-30, 2015 -
Convex Geometry and its Applications
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. December 7-11, 2015 -
Talk with the title "Poisson polytopes: Concentration and moderate deviations" in the Oberseminar Stochastik
Osnabrück, Germany. January 21, 2016 -
Talk with the title "Concentration and moderate deviations for Poisson polytopes" during the German Probability and Statistics Days 2016 (Bochumer Stochastiktage)
Bochum, Germany. March 1-4, 2016 -
Conference on Convex and Discrete Geometry
Vienna, Austria. July 4-8, 2016 -
Talk with the title "Zufallspolytope - Eine Einführung und aktuelle Entwicklungen" during the Doktorandentreffen Stochastik 2016
Bielefeld, Germany. August 3-5, 2016 -
Talk with the title "Gaussian polytopes: a cumulant-based approach" during the Workshop on Geometry and Stochastics of Nonlinear, Functional and Graph Data
Rønne (Bornholm), Denmark. August 15-19, 2016 -
Talk with the title "Gaussian polytopes and simplices: a cumulant-based approach" in the RTG-2131 Seminar
Bochum, Germany. December 6th, 2016 -
Mini-Workshop Perspectives in High-dimensional Probability and Convexity
Mathematisches Forschungsinsitut Oberwolfach, Germany. February 5-11, 2017 -
Talk with the title "Random polytopes: An introduction and recent developments" in the department colloquium
Lehigh University (Bethlehem), USA. April 19th, 2017. -
Talk with the title "Random polytopes: An introduction and recent developments" in the analysis seminar
Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland), USA. March 24th, 2017. -
Talk with the title "Approximation of smooth convex bodies by random polytopes" during the Feedbacktagung of the RTG-2131.
Bochum, Germany. December 16th, 2018. -
Talk with the title "Generalized Gamma polytopes" during the German Probability and Statistics Days 2018
Freiburg, Germany. February 28th, 2018. -
Talk with the title "Approximation of smooth convex bodies by random polytopes" during the Lago-Meeting 2018
Ghiffa (Lago Maggiore), Italy. September 13th, 2018. -
Talk with the title "Threshold phenomena and limit theorems for random polytopes in high dimensions" during the conference High-dimensional phenomena in probability - Fluctuations and discontinuity
Bochum, Germany. September 24th, 2018.
Julian Grote
Ruhr University Bochum
Faculty of Mathematics
44780 Bochum
Email: julian.grote@rub.de