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Project Details
Project Team 1st phase
Project Team 2nd phase
pix The European Works Council: A Transnational Organization?
Typology, Negotiation Results and Context Conditions of European Works Councils in Selected Companies in the European Automotive Industry
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Presentation of the structural framework of the EWC-research project: The EWC as transnational organization?
Ludger Pries, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Markus Hertwig [PDF]

Selected issues in EWC research
EWCs: emergence of a European identity or still national bound actors?
Volker Telljohann [PDF]

Co-Determination rights for the European Works Council? Examples and approaches in practice
Werner Altmeyer [PDF]

Understanding and overcoming the limits of European Works Council networks: the case of BMW and GM
Michael Whittall [PDF]

European employee cooperation vs. company internal competition at General Motors Europe
Martin Bartmann [PDF]

Negotiation of Order. Der Verhandlungsansatz von Walton and Mc Kersie
Jürgen Reichert [PDF]

Europäische Kooperation und Solidarität - Bedingungen für die Kooperation von Arbeitnehmervertretern am Beispiel der Delta Gruppe bei General Motors
Veronika Rott [PDF]

Communication and solidarity in cross-cultural employee relations
Matthias Klemm M.A. / Dr. Jan Weyand [PDF]

Empirical evidence Country Issues
Stanislaw Rudolf [PDF]

United Kingdom
Miguel Martinez Lucio [PDF]

Elsie Charron [PDF]

Holm-Detlev Köhler [PDF]

Doctoral thesis projects
Interactions between the Polish and the European labour law regulations for workers participation
Karolina Stegemann [PDF]

EWC research: Company Studies
The EWC at GM
Nina Wachendorf [PDF]

The EWC at Ford
Valentina Mählmeyer [PDF]

The EWC at DaimlerChrysler
Jessica Buchholz [PDF]

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