
If you're interested to join our group as a PhD student or postoc, you should contact me to discuss possible options. Open positions are listed here. We also do have interesting projects for BSc and MSc students available!

Prof. Dr. A. Reiner

Prof. Dr. Andreas Reiner

Chair of Cellular Neurobiology

Andreas Reiner studied Biochemistry at the University of Bayreuth, Germany and obtained his PhD working with Thomas Kiefhaber at the Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland. After a research stay at the Technical University Munich, he joined the lab of Ehud Y. Isacoff at the University of California Berkeley to study neuronal glutamate receptors using optochemical approaches. Since 2015 he leads his own research group at the Ruhr University Bochum. Since 2023 he holds the Chair of Cellular Neurobiology.


Pia Logar
Aministrative Assistant

ND 4/125 +49 (0)234 32 -29602

Stephanie Chun  

Stephanie Chun
Technical Assistant

ND 4/128
+49 (0)234 32 -15855

  Dr. Günter Gisselmann  

Dr. Günter Gisselmann
Staff Scientist

ND 4/129
+49 (0)234 32 -29606

Swenja Henne  

Swenja Henne
Technical Assistant

ND 4/128
+49 (0)234 32 -29605

  Nadine Hube  

Nadine Hube
Technical Assistant

ND 4/127
+49 (0)234 32 -29604

German Lauer  

German Lauer
PhD Student

ND 4/127
+49 (0)234 32 -29604

  Nik Meisterernst  

Nik Meisterernst
MSc Student

ND 4/130
+49 (0)234 32 -26718

Anke Mommsen  

Anke Mommsen
Technical Assistant

ND 4/130
+49 (0)234 32 -18621

  Laura Moreno Wasielewski  

Laura Moreno Wasielewski
PhD Student

ND 4/128
+49 (0)234 32 -29605

Latife Sönmez  

Latife Sönmez
PhD Student

ND 4/128
+49 (0)234 32 -29605

  Ponlawit Wisomka  

Ponlawit (Tung) Wisomka
PhD Student

ND 4/127
+49 (0)234 32 -29604


Alumni (without BSc/BA Students)

Melina Terhufen (MSc & Student Assistant, 2016-2018), Jeannette Gebel (MSc, 2017/2018), Rebecca Bake (MSc, 2017/2018),
Jan Mayland (MSc, 2017/2018), Armin Safaei (MSc, 2018/2019), Dr. Felix Borowski (PhD, 2015-2019),
Leonie Inderwiedenstrasse (MSc, 2019/2020), Dr. Stefan Pollok (PhD, 2016-2020), Dr. Adela Dudić (PhD, 2016-2020),
Dr. Robin Herbrechter (PhD, 2017-2021), Raphaela Pschera (MEd, 2021), Raoul Buchholz (MSc, 2020/2021),
Lisa Kiese (MSc, 2020/2021), Silvia Schweer (Technical Assistant, Retirement 2022), Dr. Tim Ziebarth (MSc, 2017/2018; PhD & Postdoc, 2019-2024), Sophie Lenze (Student Assistant, 2023/2024), Lina Hartmann (MSc, 2023/2024), Leon Hoffmann (MSc, 2023/2024), Rowena Gänsler (MSc, 2023/2024), Vanessa Weczerek (MSc, 2024/2025).