Curriculum Vitae

  • Hannes Koberg is a lecturer and research assistant at the chair of American Studies. After obtaining an M.A. in English/American Studies from the Ruhr-University he worked as education manager for culture, photography and visual arts at VHS Unna Fröndenberg Holzwickede. In October 2019, he joined the RuhrCenter of American Studies as doctoral candidate.
    He is currently working on a Ph.D. thesis tentatively titled "(Dis)embodying the Nation: The Body in Transnational Life Writing". Examining life writing at the intersection of Transnationalism and Queer Theory, it asks how transnational autobiographers rewrite dominant conceptions of the human body to construct new kinds of transnational subjectivities.


  • SoSe 2024: The Gothic in U.S. Culture
  • SoSe 2024: Introduction to Cultural Studies (US)
  • WiSe 2023/24: The Material Self in U.S. Literature
  • WiSe 2023/24: Introduction to Critical Phenomenology
  • WiSe 2022/23: Queer American Life/Writing
  • SoSe 2022: Transnational Life Writing: American Selves beyond Borders
  • SoSe 2022: Introduction to Cultural Studies (US)
  • WiSe 2021/22: Introduction to Cultural Studies (US) (Hybrid Course)
  • SoSe 2021: Ecocritical Approaches to the U.S. South (Online Course)
  • WiSe 2020/21: Introduction to Cultural Studies (Online Course)
  • SoSe 2020: The Body in Transnational Autobiography (Online Course)
  • WiSe 2019/20: Introduction to Cultural Studies (US)


  • Fries, Kenny. "Das Verhalten der Delinquenten." Literarisches Colloquium Berlin. Trans. Hannes Koberg. 2023.
  • Fries, Kenny. "Körper aus Wasser." Alle Uns: Differenz, Identität, Repräsentation. Eds. Simon Dickel and Rebecca R. Ramershoven. Trans. Hannes Koberg. Münster: assemblage, 2022. 35-40.

Research Interests

  • Contemporary U.S. Literature, Transnationalism, Autobiography Studies, Intersectionality, Body and Gender Studies

Conference Papers and Lectures

  • “The Body in Time: Reading Audre Lorde’s Zami as Erotohistoriography,” International Auto/Biography Association World "Life-Writing: Imagining Past, Present and Future," hosted by the University of Turku, Finland, June 2022
  • "Pushing the Corporeal Limits of a Nation: The Body in Rigoberto González's Autobiography of My Hungers", International Auto/Biography Association Asia-Pacific "Life Writing: Transnationalism, Translingualism, Transculturalism", hosted by the University of Adelaide, in collaboration with the University of South Australia and Flinders University, November 2021
  • "Why the Body Matters in Transnational Life Writing", Life Narrative Futures, Virtual International Networking Event at Flinders University, Australia, with Ricia Chansky, October 2021
  • "Body/Nation: Embodying Hybrid Selves in Transnational Life Writing" Narrated Lives – Remembered Selves: Emerging Research in Life Writing Studies, Virtual International Workshop at the University of Regensburg with Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, May 2021
  • "'I got this under the bridge:' Embodying Hybrid Selves in Transnational Life Writing" PhD-Forum of the RuhrCenter of American Studies, hosted by the University Duisburg-Essen/Technical University Dortmund, February 2021
  • "(Dis)embodying the Nation: The Self at the Intersections of Disability/Gender/Nation in Kenny Fries's Memoirs" Designing the Self, HUGSA Virtual Conference at the Department of Humanities, York University (Toronto), July 2020
  • "(In)visibility and the Nationalist Gaze in Hida Viloria's Born Both" PhD-Forum of the RuhrCenter of American Studies, hosted by the Ruhr-University Bochum/Technical University Dortmund, January/February 2020

Conference Organization

  • Co-organizer of the annual PhD-Forum of the RuhrCenter of American Studies since 2019.


  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Grant for an international conference stay, March 2024
  • DigiPhil funding programme of the faculty of philology (RUB) for the digitalization of teaching and learning, Sep 2023
  • Faculty of Philology (RUB) Grant for an international conference stay, June 2022.
  • English Seminar (RUB) Grant for an international conference stay, June 2022
  • DAAD scholarship for assistant teaching at the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, 2011-2012.


  • Prof. Dr. Kornelia Freitag
    Lehrstuhl für American Studies
    Universitätsstraße 150
    D-44780 Bochum
    GB 6/143
  • Secretariat:
    Hildegard Sicking
    Tel.: 0234/32-28051
    Fax.: 0234/32-14418
    GB 6/142


Hannes Koberg
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Department of English GB 6/144
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum, Germany

Tel.: +49-234-32-28052
