ACC Terahertz
The Applied Competence Cluster Terahertz is, like the “Research Departments”, an institution of Ruhr-University Bochum and an integrated part of the Ruhr-University`s "Research Campus"-concept. The ACC-THz complements excellent science and interdisciplinary collaboration with effective transfer of innovative technology. It concentrates on the transfer of promising Terahertz-related inventions and applications to industry. Currently, we focus on the spectroscopic investigation of solvation and the development of innovative methods and spectroscopic processes in cooperation with the Chair of Physical Chemistry II, headed by Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith-Newen. In addition, we work together with the Chair of Photonic and Terahertz Technology, Prof. Dr. Martin Hofmann, to develop innovative laser diode-based THz sources. As a result, there is a deep relation between these chairs and the ACC-THz. Other existing collaborations are maintained with Plasma Technology, Medical Technology, and the Research Departments.
(Solvation: Any stabilizing interaction of a solute and the solvent or a similar interaction of solvent with groups of an insoluble material. Such interactions generally involve electrostatic forces and van der Waals forces, as well as chemically more specific effects such as hydrogen bond formation. In case of water as solvent it is called hydration.)